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Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Canton, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; and playground / park / athletic field.

Chestnut Mountain Park Permanent Bridge. Each Bid Shall Be Accompanied With a Cash Deposit or Certified Check Drawn on a Bank or Trust Company Insured by the Fdic or a Bid Bond Prepared on the Form of Bid Bond Contained in the Bidding Documents or a Surety Company's Standard Form and Properly Executed by a Corporate Surety Licensed Under the Laws of North Carolina to Execute Such Bonds. The Amount of the Bid Bond Shall Be Equal to Five (5) Percent of the Total of the Bid. The Bid Deposit Shall Be Retained by the Owner if the Successful Bidder Fails to Execute the Contract or Fails to Provide the Required Bonds, as Stated Above, Within Ten (10) Days After the Proper Notice of Award of the Contract. Project Description the Project is Located in the Town of Canton, in Haywood County, North Carolina Near the Intersection of Asheville Highway and Briar Patch Road. The Project Intent is to Provide Access to the Chestnut Mountain Park Through Removal of an Existing Temporary Bridge, Removal of the Existing Concrete Bridge, and Construction of Permanent Bridge Near the Same Location. The Scope of Work Will Include the Demolition and Removal of the Existing Temporary Crossing Consisting of (3) 60" Cmps, Existing Concrete Bridge Consisting of a 33-foot-long Span by 15-foot-wide Section and Associated Abutments, Riprap, and Temporary Roadbed, and Re-shaping the Embankment, and Installation of the Proposed Bridge Consisting of a 12-foot-wide Single Vehicular Lane and an 8-foot-wide Pedestrian Trail Spanning Hominy Creek, and Re-grading of Briar Patch Road and Site Features. Equal Access and Opportunity to Participate in All Aspects of Construction Projects Shall Be Provided to Hub. It is the Policy of the Town of Canton to Award Public Building Contracts Without Regard to Race, Religion, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex, Age or Disabling Condition. The Owner Reserves the Right to Reject Any and All Bids, to Waive Informalities, or to Reject Non-conforming, Non-responsive, or Conditional Bids. Est. Value: $ 800,000.00


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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2415 Asheville Hwy, Canton, NC

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