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Published April 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Lancaster, South Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Lancaster County is seeking a qualified vendor to replace a boiler in the Lancaster County Courthouse building. Vendors will be evaluated on their qualifications for this project. Direct Inquiries To: Cathy McDaniel Small business enterprise (SBE) classification is a business: 1. Which is at least fifty-one (51) percent owned by a US Citizen. 2. Qualifying individual(s) must unconditionally and directly own and control at least 51% of the business. Control means that both the long-term decision making and the day-to-day management of the business are controlled by qualifying individual(s). 3. The 51% ownership may not be through another business entity. 4. Which is a for-profit entity which performs a commercially useful function; and 5. Which is a certified firm through a State or Federal program. Minority business enterprise (MBE) classification is a business: 1. Which is at least fifty-one (51) percent owned by one (1) or more minority individuals, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least fifty-one (51) percent of all classes of the stock of which is owned by one (1) or more such minority individuals; 2. Whose management, policies, major decisions, and daily business operations are independently managed and controlled by one (1) or more minority individuals; 3. Which performs a commercially useful function; and 4. Which is a certified firm through a State or Federal program. Minority individual is classified as a natural person of at least twenty-five (25) percent minimum (documentation may be required) in one (1) of the following groups: 1. African-Americans/Black; 2. Hispanic-Americans, which includes persons who are Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Caribbean, Dominican, Central or South American, regardless of race; 3. Native-Americans, which includes persons who are American-Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, or NativeHawaiians; Question Deadline 02/15/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Questions or problems arising after award of this contract shall be directed to the Procurement Director, located at 1228 Colonial Commons Ct, Suite 102, Lancaster, SC 29720, or by calling (803) 416-9963 The Procurement Code regulates all pre-contract communications with vendors and Procurement Or All inquiries regarding this solicitation shall be addressed ONLY through the Question/Answer section of this solicitation located in the online portal. Contact Information Cathy McDaniel Procurement Director 1228 Colonial Commons Ct, Suite 102 Lancaster, SC 29720 Email: cdmcdaniel@lancastersc.net Phone: (803) 416-9963 1. Supply and install 1 modulating and condensing boiler(s) as specified herein. 2. Each boiler shall be factory assembled and tested. Each boiler shall be shipped self-contained and ready for operation except for connection at the installation site of heating piping, fuel, electrical, combustion air, exhaust venting, condensate drainage and relief valve discharge piping. 3. The boiler shall be capable of operating on natural gas or LP gas. The boiler shall be capable of normal operation and full rated input with natural gas supply pressure between 4 inches w.c. [1.0kPa] and 10.5 inches w.c. [2.6kPa], or LP gas supply pressure between 8 inches w.c. [2.0kPa] and 13 inches w.c [3.2kPa]. The boiler shall be factory set for natural gas and shall include a factory-supplied kit for field conversion to LP gas operation. 4. The boiler shall have a Thermal Efficiency rating of 96%, with a minimum input of 1,400,000 BTU/hr. and a maximum input of 1,344,000 BTU/hr. 5. The boiler shall be certified to the ANSI Z21.13 / CSA 4.9 Gas-fired Boiler Standard. 6. The boiler shall be certified for installation with zero clearance to combustibles and shall be certified for closet and alcove installation when vented in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. 7. The boiler stainless steel heat engine shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IV. A permanent nameplate bearing the H stamp and National Board registration number shall be attached to the heat engine in a readily viewable location. 8. The heat engine shall have a limited lifetime warranty. All other parts shall have a five-year limited warranty covering defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty period is based on the date of installation. The warranty is subject to the terms and conditions stated in the NTI Limited Lifetime Warranty.




Public - County


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 22, 2024

March 25, 2024


104 North Main Street, Lancaster, SC

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