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Published March 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a golf course in Baker City, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a golf course.

Please direct all inquiries to Joyce Bornstedt at 541-524-2031 or bcpwdirector@bakercity.gov. 1. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope which is identified on its exterior as follows: RFP No. 2024-02 - Irrigation Renovation at Quail Ridge Golf Course Closing - February 20, 2024 2. All proposals must be submitted on the attached Proposal form, which must be completed and signed. When proposals are signed by an agent, other than the officer or officers of a corporation authorized to sign contracts on its behalf, or by a member of a partnership, a "Power of Attorney" must be submitted with the proposal. 3. Proposer shall personally examine these specifications and provisions, and by such other means as he prefers as to the actual conditions to be encountered; and the requirements of these specifications, warranties and provisions, and shall not at any time after submission of the proposal, dispute, complain or assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the nature, quality or description of the work to be performed, equipment to be supplied, or specifications appertaining thereto. 4. To be considered for award, Proposer must meet standards of responsibility as set forth in Baker City Resolution No. 3778. In order to allow COBC to make that determination, Proposer must include the following information in the submitted proposal: a.All experience in this type of work. b.Any other experience that would be helpful with this type of work. c.Financial statement, copies of insurance coverages, business bond, and any licenses pertaining to this type of work. d.Equipment currently owned that will be used, or is available, during performance of work under the Contract. Provide a description, brand, model, year of manufacture, and condition. e.A list of equipment that would be purchased within 90 days of award of Contract. Include a letter of credit from a financial institution equal to the total cost of proposed equipment. f.A list of references, including both personal and professional references, and any entity which you have performed similar work for in the past. Include a statement authorizing COBC to check references and allowing references to release pertinent information to COBC. g.Proposer is encouraged to submit any other information that may be useful during the selection process. 5. All proposals will be evaluated by a selection panel. References may be contacted, and other submitted documentation will be reviewed. Scope: The scope of the contract is to install a new irrigation system on holes 1, 2, 6-11, 17, 18 & the putting green at Quail Ridge Golf Course. The scope includes installation of new piping, control system (provided by Owner), wires, valves and sprinklers. II. Intent of Specifications: The intent of these specifications is to provide for the work and services necessary to accomplish the scope of the contract. Although the following specifications are as complete as reasonably possible, there may be some work that is not covered that is necessary to accomplish said scope. III. General: These specifications provide maintenance procedures that are careful, thorough and workmanlike. The Contractor shall furnish all the labor, tools, equipment, and material unless noted otherwise as necessary to complete the work. It is imperative to maintain a cooperative working relationship between the City, the Contractor and those doing business at the identified public facilities. Inability to work cooperatively may be cause for termination of this contract. The City expects all work to be accomplished safely, adhering to all applicable Federal, State and City of Baker City safety regulations or policies


Golf Course


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2801 Indiana Ave, Baker City, OR

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