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Renovation of a municipal facility in Troy, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Project The County of Montgomery is seeking statements of qualifications from individuals or firms (the "Firm", or "Firms") to provide design, permitting, and bidding assistance which includes plans and specifications as well as construction contract administration and observation for renovations to the Montgomery County Courthouse. Some services performed pursuant to the award of a contract resulting from this Request for Qualifications will be funded using appropriations from the State of NC. As such, all awarded contracts will be subject to any and/or all conditions and requirements of the State of NC. II. Scope of Services Required In general, the Scope of Services will include, but not be limited to, the following: o Assist the County in evaluating the building needs by documenting current conditions pertaining to exterior envelope integrity, structural components, mechanical, electrical and plumbing infrastructure conditions, life safety and building code deficiencies, site conditions such as storm water drainage, utilities and parking lots, and interior finishes. o Determine the estimated cost and timeline of renovations. o From the evaluations and data collected, recommend a prioritization and potential phasing of improvements. o Provide professional architectural design services to include: o Schematic Design o Design Development o Construction Drawings o Bidding and Award Services o Construction Administration Services o Project Closeout including record drawings (one paper set, CAD files, and PDFs) III. Firm Qualifications The selected firm's assigned project staff must be experienced in all phases of planning, design, construction and regulatory compliance requirements of similar public facilities, have extensive knowledge of the regulations governing the design and construction in the State of North Carolina, and have a proven capability to effectively and efficiently produce a successful project consistent with, and meeting the needs and goals outlined by Montgomery County. IV. Proposal Format Proposals should be organized to include the following elements: o Key principal and associate staff; identification of any associate firms and their key principal and associate staff and responsibilities; o Identification of Team Project Manager; o Project Team organizational chart; o Firm history and statement of qualifications; o Detailed resumes of the project team and relevant project experience; o Minimum of three client references from similar projects including telephone number and email contact information; Description of the anticipated project approach including work plan, proposed meetings, schedule, scope of work, and approach to project budget control including if a third-party cost control consultant will be utilized. V. Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process 1. Montgomery County intends to select the most qualified firm(s) on the basis of best overall proposal and qualifications package that, in its sole opinion, is most advantageous to the County. 2. A proposal with all the requested information does not guarantee the proposing Firm to be a candidate for additional consideration. The County may contact references to verify material submitted by the Firm. 3. The ranking of proposals and recommendation of any Firm is the sole responsibility of the County. 4. The County, at its sole discretion, may choose to schedule interviews with any, all, or none of the selected Firms. If interviews are to be held, selected Firm(s) will be given the opportunity to bring in their interview team to discuss their qualifications, past experience and proposed work plan in more detail. The Firm's interview team must include the Firm's project team members expected to complete a majority of work on the project. 5. Manager/Board Approval and Contract Negotiation/Execution: A recommendation of the highest rated Firm will be presented to the County's Manager or Board for approval and authorization to begin negotiations for an agreeable contract and fees. If after discussion and negotiation, a mutually agreeable agreement and fee is not successful, negotiations will be terminated and the County may enter into negotiations with the second highest rated firm, and so on. 6. All Firms who submit proposals will be notified of the selection results. Firm interviews and site visits, if needed TBD - March 2024 o Necessary Selected Firm Notification and Contract Negotiation April - 2024 o Award of Contract April-May 2024 General Conditions of the Request for Qualifications A. Any and all cost incurred by respondents in preparing or submitting a statement of qualifications for the project shall be the respondents' sole responsibility. B. All submissions, responses, inquiries, or correspondence relating to this RFP will become the property of Montgomery County when received. C. Montgomery County reserves the right to: accept or reject any and all submissions received in response to this Request for Proposal; cancel the RFP process at any time; request additional information or clarification of information provided in a response without changing the terms of the Request for Proposal; elect not to proceed with any of the respondents; modify the scope of the work; re-solicit RFPs; or choose not to award for any reason. IX. Confidentiality of Documents North Carolina General Statute Chapter 132, Public Records, governs the accessibility of records compiled by NC Governmental Entities. In general, all documents submitted in response to this Request for Proposals are subject to public disclosure unless specifically exempted by North Carolina General Statute 132-1.2 and 66-152 which provide definitions and protection of certain documents and information from public disclosure that constitute a "trade secret," provided it meets the specific conditions as outlined in 132-1.2(1)a-d. Montgomery County will attempt to withhold from public disclosure, or redact documents or information, designated "confidential trade secret" that clearly meet the conditions of NC G.S. 1321.2(1)a-d to the extent that it is entitled or required to do so by applicable law. Regardless, Montgomery County shall not be held responsible for any information that is released nor shall Montgomery County be held responsible for nor pay any penalty or expense in relation to information so released. Any submission marked "confidential" or "trade secret" in its entirety may be rejected at the sole discretion of Montgomery County. Any questions concerning this RFP should be directed to: Frankie Maness, County Manager 910-576-4221 x1302




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February 26, 2025


108 E Main St, Troy, NC

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