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Site work and renovation of a civil project in Gloucester, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; and for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Construction of Middlesex Interceptor System Phase II-saluda Pump Station, Middlesex Interceptor System Phase II -hartfield Pump Station and Middlesex Interceptor System Phase II-transmission Force Main The Project or Work consists of furnishing and installing pipelines, utilities, associated appurtenances, pumping stations, and all associated work to accomplish this project installation of the following: Approximately 17 miles of 4-inch thru 8-inch transmission force main which includes horizontal directionally drilled (HDD) installations across Urbanna Creek and the Piankatank River; installation of five (5) new HRSD pump stations; demolition of two (2) existing HRSD pump stations - Tabor Lane and Bonner Street in the Town of Urbanna; gravity sewer improvements in the Town of Urbanna; modifications to three (3) existing HRSD pump stations - Cooks Corner, Beaver Dam, and County Line and decommissioning and demolition of the existing HRSD Central Middlesex/Saluda Treatment Plant and the HRSD Urbanna Treatment Plant. Additional questions related to submitting a Bid or using the online system should be directed to the or 757-460-7318 or Rebecca Ashley] via ERP online discussion or Based on the revised bid opening date the deadline for questions will be April 5, 2024, and deadline for any addenda will be April 12, 2024. A Bid Bond in the amount of 5 percent of the Bid shall be submitted electronically with each Bid. Procedures for submitting a Bid, claiming an error, withdrawing of Bids and other pertinent information are contained in the Instructions to Bidders. HRSD reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, waive any informalities, or negotiate with the low bidder as described in the Instructions to Bidders. Volume 1, Volume 2, and Addenda/ Amendments are incorporated as part of the full bid submittal for Middlesex Interceptor System Phase II-Saluda Pump Station (MP013710), Middlesex Interceptor System Phase II-Hartfield Pump Station (MP013720) and Middlesex Interceptor System Phase II-Transmission Force Main (MP013730/C-515751) projects. In addition to filling out information in this solicitation, supplier must complete and attach the required bid bond or acceptable substitute as referenced in Article 8 - Bid Security in the Instructions to Bidders. The Project or Work consists of furnishing and installing pipelines, utilities, associated appurtenances, pumping stations, and all associated work to accomplish this project installation of the following: Approximately 17 miles of 4-inch thru 8-inch transmission force main which includes horizontal directionally drilled (HDD) installations across Urbanna Creek and the Piankatank River; installation of five (5) new HRSD pump stations; demolition of two (2) existing HRSD pump stations - Tabor Lane and Bonner Street in the Town of Urbanna; gravity sewer improvements in the Town of Urbanna; modifications to three (3) existing HRSD pump stations - Cooks Corner, Beaver Dam, and County Line and decommissioning and demolition of the existing HRSD Central Middlesex/Saluda Treatment Plant and the HRSD Urbanna Treatment Plant. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at the date, time, and location as referenced in the Advertisement for Bids. No site visit will be held. Meeting minutes will be sent to all through the online system if unable to attend. Bidder/Supplier must be aware of the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (VCWRLF), Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA), and various Contract inserts and statements have been added to the standard front ends including the Advertisements for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Questionnaire, and Bidder Compliance Statement. Bidder must be certain to comply with the MBE/WBE requirements as stated in Article 25 of the Instructions to Bidders, other documents in Volume 1, and show proof of advertisement or contacts. Additional questions related to submitting a Bid or using the online system should be directed to the ERP HelpDesk at or 757-460-7318 or Rebecca Ashley] via ERP online discussion or MP013710, MP013720 and MP013730

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work





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April 18, 2024

May 20, 2024


Multiple Locations, Gloucester, VA

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