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Published March 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the demolition of a fire / police facility; for the construction of a fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

The City of Prairie du Chien is proposing to design and construct a new Public Safety Complex to replace the current Fire Station and also house the Police Department in this new facility. Based on preliminary studies and design work, the new station will be approximately 22,000 square feet and will serve as the sole base of operations for the Fire Department and Police Department. The City of Prairie du Chien is proposing to design and construct a new Public Safety Complex to replace the current Fire Station and also house the Police Department in this new facility. Based on preliminary studies and design work, the new station will be approximately 22,000 square feet and will serve as the sole base of operations for the Fire Department and Police Department. The City of Prairie du Chien is tentatively proposing to construct a new Public Safety Complex on a parcel of land that is currently owned by Crossing Rivers Health and the former site of the hospital, which will be donated to the City for the purpose of a new Public Safety Complex. This parcel is located on the entire 600 block of South Dousman Street on the east side of the street, between East Dunn St. and East Taylor St. The City is requesting proposals from qualified architect/engineer (A/E) consultants to be part of a team to perform professional services for the design of the new Public Safety Complex. Design services shall include landscape design, architectural design, structural design, interior design, site civil, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and telecommunication engineering services. The City intends to use the Construction Management/constructor (CMc) method of project delivery. The City will execute a separate agreement with the CMc. The CMc will manage the bidding and construction of the project and will provide input on the design development and specifications. The A/E design proposal should include the following phases: A. B. C. D. Schematic design, Design development, Construction documents, Bidding and construction administration services in conjunction with the CMc.


Fire / Police


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, Prairie du Chien, WI

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