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Site work for a water / sewer project in Wilson, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Direct all questions for this RFQ to: David Staab Water Treatment Manager Email: Scope of Services: The City of Wilson Will Expect the Selected Architectural and Engineering/consulting Firm to Provide the Following Response to Services Needed in Conjunction With the Proposed Lake Wilson Dam Rehabilitation Project: o Prepare Complete Construction Plans and Specifications in Accordance With Applicable Regulations and Permit Approval Requirements. o Prepare Preliminary Cost Estimates and Final Detailed Cost Estimates for Each Portion Of Construction. o Prepare Complete Bid Package Including All Required Documents. o Provide All Necessary Information for the Preparation of the Project Bid Advertisements and Advertise the Project. o Manage Competitive Bidding Process Including the Preparation of Bid Packages for Prospective Bidders, Respond to Bidder Inquiries Concerning the Technical Aspects of The Project, Prepare Any and All Necessary Addenda to the Bid Packages, Attend Prebid and Bid Opening to Answer Any Questions as May Arise, Review Bids for Accuracy, Investigate Bid Documents for Eligibility and Completeness, Make Recommendation To the City Regarding the Acceptance of the Lowest Eligible Bid, and Other Technical Assistance as May Be Requested. o Prepare Formal Contract Documents, Including All Documents Required for Related Execution of the Construction Contract. o Provide Construction Inspection and Construction Management Services as Necessary to Expedite Construction in a Timely Fashion, Ensuring That Total Compliance With General and Technical Specifications Are Met by the Successful Bidder, and That Construction is in Strict Accordance With the Plans Such That the City Of Wilson Receives Professional Workmanship and Materials, and Accurate Inspection Files Are Maintained. o Prepare and Issue Change Orders, and Review All Requests for Change Order From the Successful Bidder. o Investigate All Requests for Partial and Final Payments Prior to Approval to Ensure Payment to Bidder in Accordance With the Contract Documents as Executed and Amended. o Conduct Final Inspection of Construction Upon Completion of Work by the Successful Bidder, and Ensure Completion of Punch List Before Final Payment to Successful Bidder. Prepare "AS-BUILT" record drawings and provide three (3) full size sets to City, digital copy in PDF format, along with certification of completion and satisfaction of project requirements, and recommendation of final acceptance by the City Lake Wilson Dam Rehabilitation o This work would include not only the removal of trees and stumps but reconstruction of the dam embankment (where damaged) and the addition of rip rap for erosion and wave action protection. Repairs to the concrete spillway including the retaining walls that are showing evidence of settlement and cracking. o Replacing the current walking bridge downstream of the dam. o Installation of a remote lake level transmitting unit. Lake Wilson Tree Removal Design Phase Services Provide design services for the following items: o Preparation of drawings and technical specifications for the bidding documents Meetings At a minimum, the following meetings shall be held by the Engineer during the course of the project: o Pre-Bid meeting during the construction bid process. o Pre-Construction meeting with awarded contractor and site visit to review existing conditions prior to project start. o Meeting after completion of project. Construction Administration Services Engineer will provide construction administration services, which will include the following items: o Attending and conducting the preconstruction conference and monthly on-site progress meetings. o Review and preparation of change orders as required. o Review of contractor's submittals. o Preparation of as-built drawings based on the contractor's markups of the original contract drawings. o Review of the contractor's completion documents including O&M instructions, record drawing markups, and closeout documents to assist the City in closeout of the construction contract. Deadline for Written Questions 2/13/2024 @ 5:00 PM City Response to Questions (anticipated) 2/16/2024 Written questions shall be e-mailed to David Staab, Water Treatment Manager at by the date and time specified above. Firms will enter RFQ Title - "Lake Wilson Dam Rehabilitation" as the subject for the email. For questions received prior to the submission deadline date by the Water Treatment Manager, responses and any additional terms deemed necessary by the City of Wilson will be posted in the form of an addendum to the City of Wilson website Proposers may hand deliver RFQs to Water Treatment, or if preferred, UPS and FedEx make daily deliveries to our office. If using any other delivery method, allow ample time for delivery. Proposals not received by the deadline stated will not be considered. One (1) original and three (3) copies should be submitted. The original or copies should be distinguishable from each other. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for any reason and to waive any informality it deems in its best interest. Any requirements in the RFQ that cannot be met must be indicated in the proposal. Proposers must respond to the entire Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Any incomplete proposal may be eliminated from competition at the discretion of the City


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 28, 2025


To Be Determined, Wilson, NC

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