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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kenora, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000263781 Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/02/13 04:30:00 PM CST The City of Kenora seeks innovative proposals from interested parties for the following: An Optimization Engineering Consulting Services proposal to support the Citys existing water and wastewater treatment programs by adapting the tools from the United States Environmental Protection Agencys Composite Correction Program (Specifically Improving Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) Performance Using the Composite Correction Program; Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction Program). The goal of the Citys Optimization Program is to provide staff with the skills, knowledge, and experience to achieve and sustain optimized performance from existing infrastructure in an economical manner. If the City receives a proposal acceptable to it, the City will select one (1) or more parties who submitted a proposal (the Proponents) with whom the City, in its sole and unfettered discretion, will negotiate regarding the terms of a contract to perform the Work. Scope of Work The Key Elements of the Proposal Are a Capacity Assessment, a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation and Comprehensive Technical Assistance as Detailed Below: Capacity Assessment The Capacity Assessment Will: Review the Performance and Determine the Capability of Kenora's Wastewater and Water Treatment Plants to Protect Kenora's Assets, Seek Operating Cost Reductions, Improve Overall Operating Efficiency. Assessment Activities Shall Include, but Not Be Limited to Assistance in Compiling, Summarizing, and Reviewing Existing Information on Performance, Hydraulic Capacity, Population Serviced, Sludge Accountability Analysis (Loading Capacity); and System Design and Operation. The Results From the Capacity Assessment Will Be Used to Prioritize the Plants Performance Limiting Factors, and Identify Plant-specific and Common Issues Impacting Overall Performance Including Potential Cost Saving Improvements. Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (Cpe) The Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Will Review the Plant's Operation, Design, Maintenance, and Administration to Determine Its Capability to Provide the Best Economically Treated Effluent Based on the Protocol Set Out in "Improving Potw Performance Using the Composite Correction Program", U.s. Environmental Protection Agency. Evaluation Activities Shall Include, but Not Be Limited to: A Meeting to Explain the Objectives and Approach of the Study to Plant Staff and Management; A Plant Tour of the Facility; Collection of Process and Performance Data and Preparation of Data Summaries; Evaluation of the Plant's Major Unit Processes; Interviews With Operators and Administrators; Identification, Classification, and Ranking of the Factors Limiting Plant Performance; And an Exit Meeting With Presentation of the Findings. The City Will Host a 2-5 Day Site Visit at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Water Treatment Plant With an Evaluation Team Including the Citys General Manager of Utilities, and Operations Staff From Both Plants. Performance Limiting Factors Will Be Addressed Through Comprehensive Technical Assistance. The Consultant shall carry professional liability insurance under a policy that insures the Professional Services, and that: 1 has limits of not less than $2,000,000 per claim and with an aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000 within any policy year, and a deductible not exceeding $50,000, which shall be the responsibility of the Consultant; and 2 is maintained continuously from the commencement of the Professional Services for a period of 2 years after the completion of the Professional Services. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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August 22, 2024


1 Main St S, Kenora, ON

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