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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Lathrop, California. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work to be performed under this contract is generally described as: The removal and disposal of identified trip hazards in attachment (A) (Unrepaired Sidewalk Reports). The Unrepaired Sidewalk Reports contain a list of sidewalks that have a vertical deviation of 3/4 " or more. The horizontal saw cutting of the concrete shall be made with horizontally-oriented circular blade embedded with diamond grit (No Grinding) and provide a smooth transition between concrete panels for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The cut areas shall be uniform, flat, and straight at the backline, have a non-slip finish and minimized scarring of the adjacent concrete. Once the unrepaired sidewalks on attachment A have been addressed, a new sidewalk trip hazard assessment shall be made of areas 1-4 in the approximate survey limit map attachment (B). The sidewalk trip hazard assessment shall contain GIS compatible survey data to include GPS latitude and longitude coordinates of all identified concrete deviations, street names, and measurement of the deviation in Inch- Feet and the cost of repair. BIDDING INFORMATION This contract is effective for a primary term of 80 working days, encompassing the initial project scope outlined above. Upon the expiration of the primary term, the City will reserve the option to extend this agreement two additional terms, each term representing one year option periods to address concrete deviations found on trip hazard assessments. The total value for the initial term is estimated at $155,000 and requires the following bonds at the indicated percentages of contract value: Bid (10%), Payment (100%), Performance (100%) and a Warranty Bond (10%) at the completion of the project, valid for one year. INQUIRIES All communication relative to the administration of this work shall be directed to Ken Reed, Senior Construction Manager, at, (209) 941-7363 or by calling the Public Works Department at (209) 941-7430. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be performed under this contract is generally described as, but not necessarily limited to the removal and disposal of trip hazards on attachment A (Unrepaired Sidewalk Reports). Attachment (A) contains reports of all concrete City sidewalks with a vertical offset of 3/4 " and greater. A trip hazard assessment for vertically-offset sidewalk concrete shall be made following the repair of sidewalks on Attachment A. Project Plans, (Attachment A and B) provide additional project information. Saw cutting to remove trip hazards will be paid for as a function of the product of the cut depth (in.) and length of cut (ft.) thusly: the average depth of cut ((max + min))/2) (inches) x length of cut (feet). The Trip Hazard assessment Report will be paid on a lump sum basis. The lump sum cost for this bid item shall include full compensation for providing a trip hazard assessment containing the following data: GIS compatible survey data to include GPS latitude and longitude coordinates of all identified vertical deviations in concrete sidewalks greater than 1/4 " (one-quarter inch), street names, measurement of the vertical displacement (in.) and approximate length of horizontal cut (ft.) needed to restore ADA compliance, and the estimated cost of repair. Refer to attachment B Area 1-4 for survey limits. All project materials shall be supplied by the Contractor, and the Work shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications and the Construction Documents as defined in the General Conditions. The Work shall be complete, and all work, materials, and services not expressly shown or called for in the Construction Documents which may be necessary for the complete and proper construction of the Work in good faith shall be performed, furnished, and installed by the Contractor as though originally specified or shown in said Construction Documents, at no increase in cost to the City. START / COMPLETION OF TASKS The Contractor shall commence and complete 1). The repair of sidewalks with a vertical offset of 3/4 " or greater listed on Attachment A. 2). Complete sidewalk assessment on areas 1-4 on of the survey area map on Attachment B under this Contract at the direction of the City's Senior Construction Manager or his designee. The Contractor shall, at all times during the continuance of the Contract, prosecute the work with such force and equipment as are sufficient to complete the work as quickly as practicable CONTRACT TERM The first term of the Citywide Sidewalk Improvements Contract, CIP PS 24-08 contract will begin as early as March 1, 2024, and expire on June 30, 2024. This contract may be extended by the City for up to two (2) additional one-year terms after the initial contract term at the discretion and approval of the City in its sole discretion, as follows: o Optional Term 1: July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 o Optional Term 2: July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE The engineer's estimate for the work contemplated by the Base bid schedule for year 1 is $155,000. COMPLETION OF WORK The Contractor shall commence work under this Contract on or before ten working days after receiving written Notice to Proceed from the City and shall fully complete all work within 80 working days after the Notice to Proceed. In the event that the work encompassed in the scope of this project is not finished by the end of the 1st term, the City at its sole discretion can decide to enact an optional term, subject to provisions contained in the Construction Documents relating to extension of time. The Contractor shall, at all times during the continuance of the Contract, prosecute the work with such force and equipment as are sufficient to complete it within the time specified. Working hours shall be Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Bid Results

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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