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Published February 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a civil project in Clinton, New Jersey. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The minimum qualifications of the Consultant sought by this solicitation are: Licensed Professional Engineer in NJ, experience with gas pipe sizing and heating system conversions. Experience with underground fuel storage tank removal. Ability to adhere to the schedule for permitting and construction bidding. Experience with DCA submissions and online permitting. The expected services are described in Section 2.0 (Scope of Services) and in Attachment D - Technical Specifications/Scope of Work. The Proposal must address the required work. The Contract awarded as result of this RFP shall consist of this RFP, addenda to this RFP, and the Consultant's proposal. If the Consultant takes exception to any of the scope of services or terms and conditions provided in this RFP, it must be specifically explained in the written proposal. Notwithstanding written exclusions, in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this RFP and the Consultant's proposal, the RFP and/or the addenda shall govern. o The Consultant must provide a detailed description of services to be provided by each subconsultant, referencing the applicable Section or Subsection of this RFP. o The Consultant should provide detailed resumes for each subconsultant's management, supervisory and other key personnel that demonstrate knowledge, ability and experience relevant to that part of the work which the subconsultant is designated to perform. o The proposing Consultant should provide documented experience demonstrating that each subconsultant has successfully performed work on contracts of a similar size and scope to the work that the subconsultant is designated to perform in the Consultant's proposal. It is the intent of these specifications to detail the professional scope of services required of the consultant when submitting a package in response to this RFP. The Authority's intent is to complete the installation of natural gas piping and replacement fuel burners in the spring/summer of 2024. The Authority also intends to remove a 2500-gallon fiberglass heating oil tank and fuel piping in the summer/fall. The heating oil tank is underground and is a registered UST that must be removed, tested and disposed of according to regulations. The Consultant shall propose a realistic but ambitious schedule for development of permit submittals and final design documents for bidding. The Consultant shall develop two sets of plans and two sets of specifications suitable for bidding work to two separate Contractors under two separate contracts. Limited site and floor plans are included as Attachment A and photographs of the work areas are included in this RFP within the Scope of Work, included as Attachment D. Consultants are encouraged to make a site visit to the Administration Building to inspect the work location prior to responding to this RFP. This site visit may be arranged as detailed in Section 1.4 of this RFP document. A site visit must be included in the RFP scope of work if one has not been completed prior to responding to this RFP. The Principal Consultant must furnish for the Authority's review and written approval the above items prior to a subcontractor being allowed to begin work on a project. The receipt and review of the above by the Authority does not alleviate the Principal Consultant's responsibility to ensure subcontractors' compliance with the Contract requirements. The bidder by submitting a Proposal certifies that in the event of an award resulting from this procurement shall comply with the provisions of the Act. All work to be performed by the Consultant hereunder shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director of the Authority, or his duly authorized representative and all decisions pertaining to said work shall be made in the name of the Executive Director. Any dispute involving matters of fact pertaining to the scope or details of work to be performed or completed under the terms of the Contract shall be decided by the Executive Director, which decision shall be final in regard to the Authority's position. There will not be a pre-proposal conference. Written questions concerning the RFP must be received prior to the cut-off date. CUT-OFF DATE Friday, February 23, 2024 TIME Close of Business (4:30 PM) The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial


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March 3, 2025


To Be Determined, Clinton, NJ

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