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Published April 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Portland, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

As of 04/01/2024 All bids have been rejected. No further information is known at this time. Cleaning and Painting Steel Structures - Shaker Road Underpass Bridge - Mile 64.3, Weymouth Road Underpass Bridge - Mile 66.2, Bennett Road Underpass Bridge - Mile 68.6, and Interstate 295 Southbound Underpass Bridge - Mile 102.5 This Project includes a wage determination developed by the State of Maine Department of Labor. The following work is included in this Contract: Shaker Road Underpass Bridge: Cleaning and painting specified areas of structural steel and metal work, and all non-galvanized bearing assemblies, with a three coat NEPCOAT paint system along with all work incidental thereto in accordance with these Specifications. Weymouth Road Underpass Bridge: Cleaning and painting specified areas of structural steel and metal work, and all non-galvanized bearing assemblies, with a three coat NEPCOAT paint system along with all work incidental thereto in accordance with these Specifications. Bennett Road Underpass Bridge: Cleaning and painting specified areas of structural steel and metal work, and all non-galvanized bearing assemblies, with a three coat NEPCOAT paint system along with all work incidental thereto in accordance with these Specifications. Interstate 295 Southbound Underpass Bridge: Cleaning and painting specified areas, limited to the new and disturbed areas of existing structural steel, with a multi-coat NEPCOAT paint system along with all work incidental thereto in accordance with these Specifications. Proposals must be accompanied by an original bid bond, certified or cashier's check payable to the Maine Turnpike Authority in an amount not less than Five (5%) Percent of the Total Amount in the Proposal, but not less than $500.00. The Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded will be required to furnish a Surety Corporation Bond, satisfactory to the Authority, on the standard Contract Bond form of the Authority, for a sum not less than the Total Amount of the Proposal. Proposals must be made upon the Proposal Forms furnished by the Authority separately with the Contract Documents and must be enclosed in the sealed special addressed envelope provided therefore bearing the name and address of the Bidder, the name of the Contract, and the date and time of Proposal opening on the outside. The Authority reserves the unqualified right to reject any or all Proposals and to accept that Proposal which in its sole judgment will under all circumstances serve its best interest. For general information regarding Bidding and Contracting procedures, contact Nate Carll, Purchasing Manager, at (207) 482-8115. For Project specific information, fax all questions to Nate Carll, Purchasing Manager, at (207) 871-7739 or email ncarll@maineturnpike.com. Responses will not be prepared for questions received by telephone. Bidders shall not contact any other Authority staff or Consultants for clarification of Contract provisions, and the Authority will not be responsible for any interpretations so obtained. All questions regarding Contract 2024.05 must be submitted by close of business February 21, 2024.

Final Planning

Bridges / Tunnels

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Portland, ME

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