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Published February 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a warehouse / distribution facility in Waterbury, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the construction of a warehouse / distribution facility; and for site work for a warehouse / distribution facility.

Question Deadline 02/21/2024 at 2:00 PM ET Submit Questions to mmccauley@waterburyct.org or All questions and communications about this request for Proposal and submission requirements must be directed to the City of Waterbury ProcureWare website The Water Department in the City of Waterbury CT is seeking proposals for the Construction of New Materials Storage Facility Project, that includes purchase,delivery on site and installation of a 73' X 30' HA Storage Fabric Structure, following the design specifications in the City of Waterbury, CT as detailed and described in the Proposal documents. The Materials Storage Facility Project work shall follow the project Scope of Work, Attachment F, and shall comply with all applicable City and State of Connecticut requirements, the project Scope of Work and the Contract Documents. Notice to Contractors: Prior to submitting a proposal, each contractor is expected to: o Personally and physically inspect the premises of the proposed work in order to arrive at a clear understanding of the conditions under which all work is to be accomplished and to be able to complete the work specified in this procurement statement within the time specified in the contract. o No extra consideration will subsequently be allowed by reason of error or oversight on the part of the Proposer once their proposal has been submitted. o Proposer recognizes the importance of performing the Work in a safe and responsible manner so as to prevent damage, injury, or loss to individuals, the environment, and the Work, including materials and equipment incorporated into the Work or stored onsite or off-site. Contractor assumes responsibility for implementing and monitoring all Environment The City of Waterbury, Bureau of Water (hereinafter "City"), is seeking proposal from an established firm to provide construction services for Construction of New Materials Storage Facility Project as detailed and described in the below Proposal Documents. A. Background and Intent The Water Department in the City of Waterbury CT is seeking eligible proposers to provide furnishing, delivery and installation construction services for the Construction of a New Materials Storage Facility. The Project shall take place at Waterbury Water Department, 21 East Aurora Street, Waterbury, CT, in the yard on the back side of the main building. The project work involves furnishing, delivery and installation of a 73' X 30' HA Storage Fabric Structure on the top of an existing precast concrete block wall, approximately 8' high, built by the city. B. Qualifications Eligible proposers will be those consultants, businesses, and institutions that have the following qualifications: o Experience and expertise in regard to providing the types of or similar services as those outlined in the Scope of Services in this RFP. o A proposer with a proven track record in providing these types of or similar services for at least 10 years. o Knowledge of federal and State laws and regulations governing the services outlined in the scope of services. o Provide a brief description of the firm's work on projects similar to the work proposed with a minimum of three references including telephone numbers. o Provide a description of the firm's proposed approach to the required services. o Provide a fee and the cost schedule for any and all the services described in the scope of service.


Warehouse / Distribution


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, Waterbury, CT

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