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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Palm Bay, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The project will consist of Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) and pavement treatment for Minton Road from Malabar Road to Jupiter Blvd and for Waco Blvd from Emerson Drive to Babcock Street within the City of Plam Bay. The roadway treatment shall include the following: 12" Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) for Minton Road, 8" Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) for Waco Blvd , 3" Type SP 12.5 Paving Minton, 2" Type SP 12.5 Paving Waco. Construction shall include all incidental work items to be performed as per the construction plans to include FDR operation, priming surface, paving, minor concrete removal, utility riser adjustments, spray herbicide, edge grading, sodding, sidewalk, curb repairs, minor drainage and inlet repair, traffic signal detection loops, ADA detectable warning matts, traffic control MOT, temporary striping and final thermoplastic striping and pay quantities provided for each shown in the bid documents. The selected contractor shall furnish and install all construction work identified on the plans and per the specifications identified herein. Special condition of night-time construction work for both Minton Road and Waco Blvd required to perform the paving operation. Due to high traffic volume and safety for the public and workers, the paving operation will be performed at night from 8 pm to 6 am Monday through Friday. The FDR operation will be constructed during the daytime and City inspection staff will coordinate with the contractor on MOT detours for partial street closures along Waco Blvd for the FDR operation and full street closure for the Minton Road FDR operation. The bid shall include the cost for any over-time hours for inspections at night as part of the MOT bid item. The paving operations on Minton Road and Waco Blvd shall include a shuttle buggy or Material Transfer Vehicle (MTV) and the paving operation will include a traffic roller or pneumatic asphalt roller. The contractor shall coordinate construction work to not impact Columbia Elementary School parent drop-off and pick-up operation. For the FDR mix design, the percent of emulsion and cement for each street is shown below in the table. If the roadway requires additional millings due to deficient asphalt pavement thickness, the City shall provide the added millings. Contractor will be required to load truck and haul the millings to the project streets. Any needed millings for FDR roadway operation will be transported for the City's available pile of millings location at the PW compound site. Street % Emulsion % Cement 1 Waco Blvd 3.1% 1.6% 2 Minton Road 3.1% 1.6% A non-mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 2:30 PM in the Procurement Department, Conference Room. This pre-bid meeting will allow the bidder the opportunity to bring forward any questions concerning this bid. This meeting can also be attended virtually. Interested parties may attend telephonically by calling the number below. To attend in person, interested parties should check in at the Information Desk in Building A to be escorted to this meeting. Bidders may join the pre-bid meeting via Microsoft Teams. Toll number: 347-378-4680 Conference ID: 519 024 777# While not intended to be an all-inclusive list, work generally includes the following items: mobilization, erosion control, testing of all items per FDOT requirements and bid specification, paving, millings transported to the site, shoulder restoration, edge grading, herbicide spraying, crown slope correction, minor drainage and inlet repair, temporary and final thermoplastic striping, pavement markings, reflective pavement markers, sodding, utility coordination/adjustment, traffic signal detection systems coordination, maintenance of traffic plan preparation/submittal/approval and coordination with City staff, maintenance of traffic notification, and regular progress meeting attendance. All materials to be furnished on the project shall be FDOT approved materials or from an approved FDOT mine. The selected contractor shall provide all material and shop submittals for review and approval to the City as part of the construction. Question Deadline 02/20/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Questions are due to the procurement official no later, before the due date. Any questions submitted after will be answered at the discretion of the City. The public record of the preliminary bid results as read at the public opening can also be requested by calling 321-952-3424 or emailing To attend in person, interested parties should check in at the Information Desk in Building A to be escorted to this meeting.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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