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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Project Description Town of Mesilla Engineering Services Three Engineering Firms May Be Awarded Contracts Under This Rfp. The Town of Mesilla Reserves the Right to Issue Individual Rfps for Any or All Projects Listed Below Should It Be Deemed Necessary to Do So. the Standard Engineering Contract "agreement for Engineering Services" Will Be the Contract Awarded. The Town of Mesilla Will Execute a One-year Contract(S) Renewable Up to Three (3) Additional Years Under the Same Terms and Conditions. The Town of Mesilla Will Not Pay for Work That Has Been Performed Without Specific Written Authorization. I. Engineering Staff Services: the Engineer Will Provide Professional Services on an Ongoing Basis. The Town of Mesilla Anticipates That the Engineering Staff Services Provided Under This Agreement Shall Generally Include the Tasks Listed Below: a. Day-to-day Professional Services: Engineer Conducts Investigations, Surveys, Studies, Reports, Prepares Estimates and Attends and Participates in Conferences and Meetings. B. Special Projects and Reporting: Engineer Conducts Investigations, Grant Administration, Surveys, Studies, Plans and Reporting. C. Third Party Services: Engineer Provides Services Which Require the Expertise of an Engineer or Other Design Professional Sub-consultant. D. Other Services: Engineer Provides Technical Guidance to the Town of Mesilla on All Engineering Matters. Engineer Performs Construction Observation and Reporting. Ii. General Project Services: Engineer Will Provide Professional Services as Requested and as Authorized. the Services That the Town of Mesilla Will Require for General Project Services Shall Routinely Include Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Hydrology, Surveying, Environmental Documentation, Traffic Engineering and Mapping, Traffic Analysis, Permitting, Right-of-way Study and Acquisition, Land Acquisition, Studies, Reports, Planning, Design (Plans and Specifications), Bid Administration, Construction Observation, Operational Phase and Construction Contract Management Services for Civil Engineering Projects Relative to the Town of Mesilla Infrastructure (I.e. Water System, Wastewater System, Solid Waste, Drainage, Streets, Public Facilities, Etc.). Engineer Will Provide Third Party Services as Required. A.projects Which May Be Accomplished via This Rfp (These Projects May Be Done in a Single Phase or in Multiple Phases, Depending Upon the Availability of Funds): 1.street and Drainage Projects: Projects May Include but Not Be Limited to: Drainage Improvements, Surface Storm Improvements, Street and Roadway Preservation Projects, Curb and Gutter Replacements, Utility Improvements, Storm Water Improvements and Maintenance Projects, Street and Sidewalk Improvements and/or Reconstruction, Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Projects, Street Lighting Refurbishment and/or Replacement and Lighting Projects Including Solar Lighting. 2.structures: Projects May Include but Not Be Limited to the Following Structures: Public Safety Building, Community Center Building, Town Hall Building, Structures Associated With the Plaza Facilities, Public Restroom Facilities, Parking Lots, Shade Structures, Solar Power Facilities, Well (1) Pump House and Well (2) Pump House and the Mesilla Booster Pump House.5 Revised February, 2024 3.water and Wastewater Treatment: Projects May Include but Not Be Limited to Water Treatment Facility Improvements, Water Distribution System Improvements, Wastewater Treatment Plant/lift Station Improvements, Wastewater Collection System Improvements, Scada and Other Technological Improvements. 4. Beautification and Recreation: Projects May Include but Not Be Limited to: Community Wide Park Improvements, Community Wide Landscaping Improvements, New Parks, Street Bike Lanes, Pedestrian and Trail Crossings, Sidewalks, Park and Trail Lighting Projects, Irrigation and Landscaping. Trail/multi-use Path Projects May Include the Following Projects: Calle Del Norte Phase Ii, Mesilla Lateral Trail Phases 1, 2 and 3, University/calle Del Sur Trail Connector, Union Ave Trails Phases 1, 2 and 3, the Mesilla Lateral Laguna Lateral Connection and Safe Route to School Projects. Trail/multi-use Path Projects May Include the Use of Ebid, Nmdot, City of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County and Town of Mesilla Right-of-way(S). 5. Any Projects Withing the Town of Mesilla as Currently Approved by the Board of Trustees. Funding Sources May Include but Not Be Limited to: Icip, Cdbg, Capital Outlay, Lgrf, Lgtpf, Map, Tap, Lgpf, Nmfp, Pprf, Nmfa, Nmed, Wtb, Dwsrf, Colonias Infrastructure Board, Rcac, Rip, Usda, Epa, Nmdot and Fhwa. 6. Ada and Safety Improvements. B.project Support Tasks Which May Be Accomplished via This Rfp (These Tasks May Be Done in a Single Phase or in Multiple Phases, Depending Upon the Availability of Funds). 1. Planning: Perform Studies and Analyses to Develop Comprehensive, Strategic, Facilities, Preliminary Engineering Reports, or Master Plans Related to a Single or Combination of Infrastructure Systems. Coordinate With Permitting and Regulatory Agencies to Ensure Compliance With State and Federal Requirements That Pertain to the Project. 2. Surveying: Review Existing and Perform Services for Property, Right-of-way, Easement, and Topographic Surveys as Well as to Verify and Set Vertical/horizontal Controls and Provide Appropriate Mapping Services. 3. Environmental: Perform Work to Assure Compliance With the Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (Nepa) and the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Division. Provide Services for Environmental Impacts, Hazardous Waste Containment Remediation and/or Abatement. 4. Ada: Perform Ada Analysis for Project Compliance. 5. Street and Drainage: Provide Maintenance Management Plans and Drainage Studies. Provide Planning in Order to Upgrade Streets With Curb and Gutter. 6. Water System: Create Short and Long Range Water Management Plans and Studies, Including an Epa Water and Wastewater Management Plan, Mapping of Existing Water Valve Locations, and Provide System Analysis to Increase Production, Increase Water Storage, Renovate or Replace Components, Improve Automation, Add Fire Protection, Replace Water Lines, Replace Booster Pump Station, Replace Meters and Meter-reading System, and Extend New Lines and Water Service.6 Revised February, 2024 7.wastewater System: Provide Short and Long Term Plans and Perform System Analysis to Improve and Expand the Collection System, Renovate or Replace Components and Assure Compliance With All State and Federal Requirements. 8.state and Federal Terms and Conditions: Assure That All Work is Performed in Compliance With All Applicable State and Federal Terms and Conditions. Note: Scoring and Preference Do Not Apply to Federal Projects.



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March 3, 2025


Multiple Locations, Las Cruces, NM

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