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Published February 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Prince Frederick, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR SERVICES PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall report on-site for any scheduled service within three business days of notification by the Contract Manager or Designee. The Contractor shall first diagnose or assess the scheduled service equipment issue. If no parts or materials need to be ordered to complete the service work, the Contractor shall then commence the service work immediately. If parts or materials must be ordered to service the equipment, the Contractor shall provide a list to the Contract Monitor or Designee as provided in 3.2.9. A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documenting this process will be provided to the Contractor at NTP and the Contract Start-Up Meeting for ordering parts, if or when applicable. If parts or materials are ordered by SHA, then the service will commence once the Contractor is informed through a scheduled or emergency service call that the parts or materials have been obtained. If parts or materials are provided or obtained by the Contractor after consultation with the Contract Monitor or Designee, service work will commence once the Contractor has obtained the parts or materials. Once any on-site scheduled service, maintenance, or repair work has commenced, the Contractor shall continue on-site scheduled service, maintenance, or repairs until all scheduled work has been completed to the satisfaction of Contract Monitor or Designee. The Contractor may conduct scheduled on-site services on Business Days during Normal State Business Hours (Monday - Friday, 7:00am-3:30pm). SHA will consider extended, weekend, or overnight facility access to the Contractor for scheduled on-site services outside of Normal State Business Hours upon request. The Contractor shall obtain prior verbal or written approval from the Contract Monitor or Designee for any scheduled on-site services outside of Normal State Business Hours or on days that are not Business Days No pre-bid conference will be held The Contractor shall perform all work in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Scheduled work may include, but is not limited to: o Start-up and shutdown of any brine production unit; o Calibration of any brine production unit; o Conduct functionality tests and freshwater cycle testing; o Identify and address air or water leaks; o Ensure proper functioning of valves, hoses/piping, lift cylinders, spray bars, and internal louvers; o Provide guidance and direction for cleaning out and flushing salt-exposed components after winter events and/or the end of the winter season; o Replace necessary components for appropriate storage cycling during the off-season months; and o Any other service or maintenance as required. To facilitate these operations, SHA will provide a Designee contact for any on-site services. On-site inspections may be performed by SHA at any time. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT/PROJECT The duration / term of the contract will not exceed 24 months. The contract written with the successful bidder will be for the successful total bid amount that does not exceed $50,000. Contract Term(s)/Quantities The initial term of this Contract will be for two (2) years and begin on the date of Contract Commencement. The Procurement Officer has the unilateral right to extend the Contract for a single two-year renewal option at the prices established in the Contract. The Contractor shall provide the names and telephone numbers of two (2) individuals who may be contacted at any time by the Contract Monitor or Designee for service calls. If monies remain in this Contract and if work remains to be performed beyond the completion date, the Procurement Officer may extend, at its discretion, the completion date to allow the unfinished work to be completed. If the Procurement Officer authorizes an extension to the completion date, a change order will be issued. Bid item(s) for Mobilization have been established in the Schedule of Prices. These item(s) will be paid each time the Contractor mobilizes in response to an on-site scheduled or emergency service call for repairs, service, new installation(s), or training. Payment for each mobilization includes all travel to and from the worksite, fuel, lodging, food, vehicle maintenance/repairs, and any other incidentals associated with the performance requirements outlined in this Contract. The Contractor shall be entitled to only one mobilization payment for each specific on-site scheduled or emergency service call for repairs, service, new installation(s), or training. Unless otherwise specified by the Contract Monitor or Designee, the preceding verbiages shall apply should any work associated with a new installation, specific on-site scheduled or emergency service call extend into the next work or business day(s). The quantities listed in the Schedule of Prices are estimated and are only given for the purpose of bid evaluation. The quantities for each item may be increased, decreased, or deleted entirely from the Contract by the Contract Monitor. See Appendix A in the IFB for the location/type of SHA-owned Henderson brine production units and the facilities that manage them. Upon request of the Contract Monitor or Designee, the Contractor shall provide repairs, service, parts, and training for all SHA-owned Henderson brine production units, seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day, for the term(s) of the Contract. The Contractor shall provide experienced service technician(s) for pre-season startup and post-season shutdown services, calibrations, in-season repairs and maintenance, unforeseen emergencies, new installations, and training. QUESTIONS/SITE VISIT: Completed by February 13, 2024, 2pm EST.


Water / Sewer

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Prince Frederick, MD

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