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Published February 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Houma, Louisiana. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

SCOPE OF PROJECTS Each of the respectively described projects anticipated are at the Houma-Terrebonne Airport located in Houma, Parish of Terrebonne, Louisiana (1.) Project will entail total reconstruction and developing ramp area on west side of airport; (2.) Construction and installation of fencing in certain locations around the perimeter of the Houma-Terrebonne Airport, to include the installation of automobile and pedestrian access gates; (3.) Provide design and engineering services for improving the Runway Safety Area of Runway 18/36; (4.) Provide design and engineering services for extension of Taxiway A; (5.) Project will provide rehabilitation to airfield lighting and guidance system; (6.) Project to include possible re-siting and construction of a new Air Traffic Control Tower; (7.) Design and engineering services for extension of runway 18/36. (8.) Project will provide new airfield pavement markings & upgrading existing markings; (9.) Provide design and engineering services for extension of Taxiway K; (10.) Provide design and engineering services to develop and construct new east ramp; (11.) Evaluation and design for installation of Arresting Gear for Aircraft on Runway 18/36. Questions regarding these projects should be addressed to Mert Pellegrin, Executive Director at (985) 872-4646. The successful firms selected may be required to execute an Engineer Service Agreement with the Sponsor and meet all applicable requirements set forth for Professional Services by the Sponsor, Federal Aviation Administration and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (Aviation Section) contracts. A successful firm selection ensures that the firm is considered eligible for the Sponsor to be reimbursed for associated costs under Federal and State funding agreements but does not guarantee that it will be hired for any particular project. GENERAL Firms interested in performing these services shall furnish a statement of qualifications on Form SF-330. Interested firms may obtain the Form by following the link: APPENDICES. The criteria and weighting factors to be used by the Sponsor in evaluating responses will be as follows: Experience, both firm and key staff personnel with values of 4 and 3, respectively. Past performance on similar projects with a value of 4. Current workload with a value of 5. Firm size as related to project magnitude with a value of 2. Proximity of the Firm to the Project Location with a value of 1. Project Experience on Towered Airports with a value of 6.


Transportation Terminals


Public - City


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