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Saving Project...

Published February 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Saint Joseph, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Sodus Twp Scratch Course- LOCATION - This project is on OXBOW RD FROM PIPESTONE RD. TO KIRK RD. DESCRIPTION - The work shall consist of HMA SCRATCH COURSE. MISC WORK ITEMS MOBILIZATION, MAX._ 1 LSUM MINOR TRAF DEVICES 1 LSUM SIGN, TYPE B, TEMP, PRISMATIC, FURN 248 SET SIGN, TYPE B, TEMP, PRISMATIC, OPER 248 SET TRAF REGULATOR CONTROL OXBOW RD PAY ITEMS APPROACH, CL II 15 TON PAVT FOR BUTT JOINTS, REM 315 SYD HMA APPROACH 25 TON HMA, 5EML Except as hereinafter provided by Supplemental Specifications or Special Provisions, the method and manner of performing the work and the quantity and quality of materials to be furnished under this contract shall be in strict accordance with the current Standard Specifications for construction of the Michigan Department of Transportation and the current edition of the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE IN FULL IN NOT MORE THAN THREE (3) PARTIAL PAYMENTS, SUCH PAYMANTS TO BE MADE on the basis of ninety percent (90%) of the value of the work done, provided the work is progressing satisfactorily and the orders of the engineer have been compiled with an provided that the date for completion, or date granted as extension, has not passed, and provided that the amount is at least $2,000.00. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability: Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate $2,000,000 Statutory Workmen's Compensation Insurance A Certified Check or Cashier's Check or Bid Bond in the amount of not less than five (5) percent of the bid made payable to the Berrien County Road Commission shall accompany this proposal as guarantee of good faith. The Berrien County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids or make any deviations deemed in the best interest of Berrien County. Walks, driveways and entrances to building shall not be unnecessarily blocked. Vehicular access shall be maintained to all properties designated by the Engineer at all times. Construction shall be completed in such a manner as to maintain the required entrance width for traffic at all times. When partial widths of new pavement are available to traffic, access to drives shall be provided immediately. ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING BID SPECIFICATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT Kevin Stack at 269-925-1196 ext 4421 or kstack@bcroad.org The Project shall be completed in its entirety including final site restoration and clean-up on or before July 28th, 2024. 1. all required sawcutting of existing pavement prior to removal shall be included in the pay item of pavt for butt joint, rem, 2. the contractor shall be responsible for damage to existing traffic control signs during construction. this shall include damage from removing/replacing any sign. all traffic control signs removed/damaged shall be replaced immediately as soon as construction permits. existing traffic control signs that need to be relocated will be relocated by the berrien county road department. 3. hma, 5eml shall be the material used for the hma approaches and shall be paid for as hma approach, this includes all intersections and driveways. 4. cross section data and as-built plans are available at the office of the berrien county road department 5. the items; pavt, rem; channelizing device, 42 inch, fluorescence, furn.; and channelizing device, 42 inch, fluorescence, oper. shall be used where pay item is directed by the engineer or field inspector. channelizing device, 42 inch, fluorescence, furn.; and channelizing device, 42 inch, fluorescence, oper shall be included in minor trap device pay item. 6. contractor is required to submit daily traffic control inspection reports (per standard spec. 812.03) to field inspector. pay estimates will be delayed if not received on a weekly basis. 7. field inspector must be on site and sign load tickets for any material supplied to the project. 8. the contractor is responsible for removing all construction stakes prior to acceptance of project, included in mobilization. 9. all unprotected earth shall be restored using item slope restoration, type a within five (5) working days for erosion/sedimentation control.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work



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Multiple Locations, Saint Joseph, MI

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