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Published February 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Seneca, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Proposal One - Hot Mix Asphalt Crawford County is requesting proposals for LT-4 and MT-4 Hot Mix Asphalt, 18,000 tons (more or less), to be produced and dumped into trucks provided by Crawford County. Bid shall be quoted per ton, and prices should be quoted from any/all potential plant locations. Plant location, time of material delivery and a schedule shall be agreed upon by Crawford County and the successful bidder. At the time of main line production, Crawford County shall have full access to the asphalt plant. Alternate Bid: Contractor to supply Labor, Equipment and Material to provide, place and compact for the above quoted hot mix asphalt, including tack materials. *Note: This material may be used for projects funded through the Local Road Improvement Program. Proposal Two - 3/8" Minus Hot Mix Thin Lay Asphalt Bids will also be received for 3/8 Inch Minus (LT-5) Hot Mix Asphalt, 2,000 tons (more or less). Bid is to be per ton, for the construction season asphalt needs for county, state and local roads. Bidder to provide plant for material to be dumped into trucks provided by Crawford County along with plant locations and times that they will set and be available throughout the construction season. Proposal Three - Cold Mix Asphalt Bids will also be received for 3/8 Inch Minus Cold Mix Asphalt, 500 tons (more or less). Bid is to be per ton, for the construction season asphalt needs for county, state and local roads. Bidder to provide plant for material to be dumped into trucks provided by Crawford County along with plant locations and times that they will set and be available throughout the construction season. Bidder to specify dates Cold Mix Asphalt will be produced along with plant location. Proposal Four - Sealcoat Chips Bids will also be received for 3,000 tons (more or less) of 3/8 inch Limestone Chips; AND 2,000 tons (more or less) Quartz or Fractured River Stone Chips. Bid is to be per ton, picked up by Crawford County. Proposal Five - Asphalt Millings Bids will also be received for 3,000 tons (more or less) of Asphalt Millings. Bid is to be per ton, picked up and delivered to a location designated by Crawford County. Location anticipated to be at or near Seneca. Proposal Six - Base Aggregate Bids will also be received for approximately 15,000 ton (more or less) of Limestone Breaker and/or Crushed Select; as well as approximately 15,000 ton (more or less) of 3/4 " Limestone BAD. Bid is to be per ton, picked up by Crawford County. Proposal Seven - Milling and Pulverizing Bids will also be received for asphalt pulverizing and milling. Pulverizing quantity is approximately 50,000 square yards (more or less) and shall be bid per square yard. Asphalt milling bid shall be per mile. Bidder to include mobilization to project locations within Crawford County, WI. All materials shall meet Wisconsin Department of Transportation specifications. No bid shall be withdrawn after the opening of bids without the consent of Crawford County, for a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time of receiving bids. Crawford County reserves the right to change these specifications without notice and without incurring any obligation relating to such change that may be more advantageous to the county. The Crawford County Highway Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or to accept the bid that is most advantageous to Crawford County.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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February 21, 2024

March 22, 2024


Multiple Locations, Seneca, WI

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