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Saving Project...

Published April 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Dover, Delaware. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of April 17,2024, project was awarded to Sam's Construction, LLC, dba Dalton Electric, awarded amount is $1,103,390.70. North Bradford Street Rehabilitation Project If you have questions concerning this Intent to Bid, they must be made in writing and emailed to me at doverwhse@dover.de.us. All questions must be submitted no laterthan February 28, 2024. This work is detailed in the North Bradford Street Rehabilitation Project Invitation to Bidders, Bid No.: 24-0025PW which is generally described as furnishing all labor, equipment and materials necessary to install 10 inlet protections, excavation and embankment work of approximately 1,039 cubic yards of material, undercut excavation of approximately 104 cubic yards of material, provide and place approximately 52 cubic yards of Select Borrow, Type A, remove and dispose of approximately 2,494 square yards of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement, curb and sidewalk, provide and place approximately 339 cubic yards of GABC, provide and place approximately 115 cubic yards of GABC patching, provide and place approximately 1,999 tons of Superpave Type C, provide and place approximately 12 tons of Superpave Type B patching, provide and place approximately 40 tons of Pervious Bituminous Asphalt Pavement, adjust and repair 10 existing drainage inlets, replace approximately 3,127 linear feet of Integral PCC Curb and Gutter Type 3-6, install approximately 11,438 square feet of 4" concrete sidewalk, install approximately 2,944 square feet of 6" concrete sidewalk, installation of 192 square feet of detectable truncated domes, remove and replace approximately 44 linear feet of concrete valley gutter, roto-mill approximately 32,202 square yard-inch of bituminous pavement, saw cut approximately 4,129 linear feet of bituminous concrete, saw cut approximately 1,585 linear feet of concrete- full depth, establish maintenance of traffic, provide and place approximately 2,347 square yards of topsoil - 6" depth, provide and place approximately 2,347 square yards of permanent grass seeding, provide and place approximately 2,347 square yards of erosion control mulch, 165 linear feet of painted stop bars and provide hand work to remove millings and base course of approximately 4,000 square feet of surface area around tree roots. Questions or comments should be directed in writing to: Barry Wolfgang Contract and Procurement Manager City of Dover Procurement Office 710 William Street Dover, Delaware 19904 E-mail address: doverwhse@dover.de.us Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Deadline for submitting questions Custom Bid Results Non-Prevailing Wage Sam's Construction LLC 1,103,391 Prevailing Wage Sam's Construction LLC 1,228,990


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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