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Published February 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Telluride, Colorado. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SUMMARY: San Miguel County, Colorado ("County") is seeking to contract out specific work to be performed for the supply and application of emulsified asphalt for chip seal projects within San Miguel County. San Miguel County will provide equipment and personnel to perform the transport, application, compaction and sweeping of the aggregate material. Other counties, specifically Ouray County, may use this selected contractor for their supply and application of emulsified asphalt for chip seal projects within their respective counties to be invoiced separately. For reference; Please refer to Exhibit "E" for location and length of roads to be chipped in Ouray County. You can contact Ty Barger Ouray County Road Superintendent at tbargerftourayco.gov or by phone at (970) 626-5391 for more details. Questions on this proposal should be submitted in writing to Ryan Righetti, ryanr@sanmiguelcountyco.gov, no later than February 16 , 2024. Late questions will not be addressed. Written answers will be provided within two business days following the submission deadline. PROJECT SCOPE San Miguel County will be performing chip seal operations at locations throughout the County during the 2024 FY. The current plan is to resurface roads in the following areas; Placerville, Dry Creek Basin and Egnar, however, there may be other projects yet to be defined. Please refer to the following Exhibits for specific details. Roads shall be chip sealed to the edge of existing pavement. PROPOSAL CONTENT AND FORMAT Proposals must include the following information: 1. All costs related to the supply, transport and application of the emulsified asphalt to be applied at a single price per ton. The price per ton should include all mobilization and demobilization of equipment and personnel required to supply and apply the material in general. 2. All costs related to the supply, transport and application of the emulsified asphalt to be applied at a single price per ton. The price per ton should include all mobilization and demobilization of equipment and personnel required to supply and apply the material specifically at the locations described in Exhibits B, C, and D. 3. Product description of the emulsified asphalt to be supplied and applied with an explanation of how the product is suitable for the conditions of the roads within San Miguel County. 4. Examples of three (3) previous project deliveries similar to this scope of work; including customer contact information to serve as reference for the satisfactory completion of the project. Awards will be made on the determination of value and in the best interest of San Miguel County, based on evaluation of defined criteria by staff. In reviewing the proposals, the County reserves the right to reject, for any reason whatsoever, any and all proposals, and to waive any informality or irregularity in a proposal. The action to award an Agreement, in whole or in part is subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The submission of a proposal does not in any way commit the County to enter into an agreement with that proposer and the advertisement of this RFP does not obligate the County to award a contract for this project to any proposer. The awards will be made according to the selection of qualified contractors who can supply and apply the emulsified asphalt within San Miguel County, as determined by staff and approved by the BOCC. Selection will be based on the following criteria: Cost: Proposed Fee schedule. Product suitability. The County may select and enter into agreements with more than one contractor in order to ensure the County has access to all areas of expertise and to allow for potential conflicts of interest. In evaluating proposals, the County may conduct investigations and contact previous clientele as necessary to establish the proposer's responsibility and qualifications to perform the work in accordance with the Agreement. The County may make a selection on the basis of the proposals received or may select several finalists for further review, which may be conducted via Zoom. It is anticipated the awards will be made within three (3) weeks following the proposal submission deadline. Awards will take place during a regularly scheduled meeting of the BOCC. BOCC meetings are open to the public and are advertised on the County website at electronically. All proposers will be notified of the decision by email. An Agreement will be issued to the successful proposers, to be executed and returned within two (2) weeks.


Roads / Highways

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Telluride, CO

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