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Published June 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Victoria, British Columbia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

The objective of this project is to replace the existing reverse osmosis (RO) plant and dialysis equipment in the Renal Unit of the Royal Jubilee Hospital, located at 1952 Bay St., Victoria BC. The Renal Unit spans three levels: Basement, Level 1, and Level 2. The modification of the space is required as the RO equipment is being replaced. These modifications, including Millwork upgrades, electrical upgrades, and mechanical drainage, flushing and tempering piping, constitute the key scope of work for the construction manager. Canadian Water Treatment Ltd, acting as the Specialty Contractor, will be responsible for designing, procuring, and installing all equipment and piping related to the RO plant under the oversight of the construction manager. In the basement level, the RO plant equipment, along with its associated piping and components, will be replaced. On Level 1, which houses patient pods, there are currently six patient pods and 45 beds. Upgrades for this level include installing new piping from the RO plant and demolishing and updating existing millwork to accommodate new RO drainage lines. The millwork height needs to be increased to accommodate the proper slope for the drainage piping, along with installing new electrical receptacles. Additionally, two shelled-in spaces, north and south, require modification. The north space will house the distribution systems for the RO system, while the south space will be converted into 4 community-type clinical bed spaces for dialysis. The upgrades on Level 2 will mirror those on Level 1 but will be limited to the patient training area and tech room area. The RO piping and drainage in the tech room will also be replaced. Additionally, improvements to lighting and finishes, including ceilings and flooring, for both levels 1 and 2 will likely be necessary. The project will follow a phased approach, with Canadian Water Treatment Ltd. phasing plans attached to this RFP document. The construction manager will be responsible for adhering to the CSA standard Z317.13-17 - Infection control during construction, renovation, and maintenance of healthcare facilities. Documents can be obtained from https://islandhealthfdc.bidsandtenders.ca/ Award amount was not released for publication.




Public - State/Provincial


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1952 Bay St, Victoria, BC

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