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Published March 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Carson City, Nevada. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

This Sheriff Administration Building Boiler Replacement Project includes but is not limited to replacing two (2) existing boilers with two (2) Lochinvar Crest FBN1001N High Efficiency Natural Gas Stainless Steel Fire-Tube Commercial Condensing Boilers with all items listed below. The bid price shall include costs for engineer design and specifications, state permitting (Carson City will pay for all City building permits, the contractor shall submit permit applications, engineering plans, etc.), and all tools, equipment, materials, and labor for the full installation of the boilers. At least one boiler shall remain in service during construction. The project includes all common phases of construction customarily associated with this type of project. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, specifications and special conditions related hereto. Questions Deadline: 2/23/2024 11:00 AM (PT) Response Deadline: 2/29/2024 11:00 AM (PT) 1. Supply all Design Work for the New Boilers. 2. Provide Permit Drawings and As Built Drawings. 3. Obtain Carson City Building Permit, Carson City Public Works will purchase the permit internally from the Carson City Building Department. 4. Obtain and paying for State of Nevada Boiler Installation / Operating Permit. 5. Drain down, disconnect, remove, and dispose of the two (2) Existing Boilers. 6. Demo and dispose of the boiler piping and boiler flues. 7. Expand Concrete Equipment Pad as necessary. 8. Supply and install Two (2) new Lochinvar Crest FBN1001N High Efficiency Natural Gas Stainless Steel Fire-Tube Commercial Condensing Boilers with Condensate Neutralizer for each boiler. 9. The Boilers shall be anchored directly to the new concrete Pad(s) with seismic brackets that are anchored to the boilers. 10. Supply and install 6ft PVC Flue Piping for the New Boilers. 11. Supply and install two (2) circulating pumps (one for each boiler). 12. Supply and install all necessary piping with Isolation Valves, Check Valves, and a Boiler Mag Separator on each Boiler. The boilers shall be piped in primary/secondary fashion. 13. Run Pressure Relief Valve Piping on each boiler to the floor sink. 14. Run drain piping for each boiler to the floor sink. 15. Supply new Motorized Solenoid Valve on the incoming gas piping. 16. Supply all new Natural Gas Piping to each Boiler. 17. Insulate all new piping with Fiberglass Pipe Insulation. 18. Provide Factory Startup and Tuning of the Boilers. 19. Install Pipe Labels on the new Piping. 20. Provide all necessary Electrical work. 21. Provide all necessary Control work (performed by BCS). The successful Bidder, upon becoming the Contractor after having entered into a Contract with the City, shall commence the Work to be performed under the Contract on the date set by the City in the written Notice to Proceed, continuing the Work in accordance with the approved schedule and shall complete the entire Work within 40 Working Days.


Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 29, 2024

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911 E Musser St, Carson City, NV

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