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Published March 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Springfield, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

CONSTRUCT 4" PCC SIDEWALK ORIGINAL 6,711 SF INSTALL SEEDING - TYPE "A" 1,872 SY INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING TYPE S-75 1,872 SY The improvements to be bid upon as outlined within these specifications and as detailed on the plans for SIDEWALKS & CURP RAMPS - SECTION I, dated 2/5/2024, pages 1-6 are being installed for Sarpy County Sanitary and Improvement District 356 located in the vicinity of S 216 TH Street and W Gruenther Rd within LINCOLN RIDGE. SECTION 2 - SCOPE OF WORK The work to be performed in this improvement shall consist of the construction of a system of paved public sidewalks, 5' width with 4" thick Portland Cement Concrete, paved public trail, 8' width with 6" Portland Cement Concrete, together with curb ramps, detectable warning panels, imprinted median surfacing, seeding and matting, and any and all necessary appurtenances and other work that is incidental and necessary for a completed improvement. SECTION 3 - WRITTEN AND ORAL EXPLANATIONS If a bidder discovers a discrepancy in or omission from the plans, specifications, proposal, bond or other contract documents, or if a bidder is in doubt as to the meaning, the bidder shall have the responsibility of notifying the owner's engineer who will send or deliver written instruction to all bidders by addendum. The owner shall not be responsible for oral instruction or interpretations of the proposed Contract Documents. The successful bidder shall coordinate and cooperate in all respects with the project engineer in scheduling contractor's work, and if the contractor is unable or unwilling to comply with the work schedule set forth in these bid documents, the contractor may provide an alternative work schedule; provided, however, contractors understands, agrees and acknowledges that the Owner and the project engineer may reject the bid documents. Failure to submit a bid complying with the schedule set forth herein or proposing another time to commence other than what is required under these bid documents, may be deemed a nonconforming bid and may be rejected by the District's sole discretion.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Springfield, NE

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