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Published March 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a playground / park / athletic field in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Salt Lake County Contracts and Procurement, on behalf of Parks and Recreation invites your company to bid on the purchase, delivery, and installation of precast concrete Vault and Flushing restroom buildings as listed below. Specifications for vault toilet equipment that need to be included in bid o Vandal proof design o Must meet current ADA standards, 60" turning radius o Stainless steel grab bar o Exterior Mounted signs one per unit to include options Men, Women, and Unisex o Signs secured with tamper proof components o Cross linked polyethylene handicap vault toilet riser o Heavy duty seat cover and assembly o Sweet smell technology, positive air flow o 1000 gal concrete holding tank with ABS vault liner, dovetail embeds o 18 gauge steel doors, stainless steel hospital style door frame stop, brush type door sweep o Doors to be painted with one coat of oil base primer and two coats of alkyd-oil base enamel o Stainless steel coat hook, one per door o Heavy duty ADA locks set, Stainless steel, dead bolt keyed entry, locks keyed alike Concrete exterior finish to be simulated barn wood, stucco or river rock, integrally colored, and continuous on all four sides of building including corners. o Interior walls, 100% acrylic water base commercial grade paint, White with two coats o Roof to be simulated shake shingle, grand rib metal roof or equivalent. o Windows to be 1/4 " thick translucent Lexan - two each per unit o Double roll vandal proof toilet paper dispenser - one per unit o Stainless steel sanitary napkin holder - one per women unit o Metal wall mounted waste basket - one per unit o Sign- Please do not put garbage in toilet - one per unit Vault toilets Optional Equipment o Options will not be considered with award evaluation. o Options to be determined at time of order Provide bid for optional equipment: o Roof mounted sky light, one per unit o Electrical package- One light in each unit, one light in chase area, one GFI receptacle in chase area o Solar package for each unit o Floor drains Questions shall be submitted electronically. Questions are due prior to the question date and time specified. If a question/answer changes the RFC document, the change will be released in an addendum. Do NOT contact the Agency, Division, Department, or other County officers or employees. CONTRACT TERM: The contract resulting from this solicitation will become effective on the date of execution with a five (5) year term. The County reserves the right to review the contract(s) on a regular basis regarding performance and cost analysis and may negotiate price and service elements during the term of the contract. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The awarded vendor(s) agrees that if awarded a contract under this solicitation, Salt Lake County's Terms and Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, will apply.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 21, 2024

March 22, 2024


Multiple Locations, Salt Lake City, UT

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