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Published February 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Denton, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Denton (the City) is requesting submissions to contract with an individual or business with considerable experience in providing goods or services of this solicitation. The responses and the cost solutions shall be submitted to the City of Denton in a sealed submission. The awarded individual or business shall possess a proven track record of using innovative approaches to providing goods and services that represent the best value to their clients. The awarded individual or business shall have the ability to accomplish all aspects of the requested services. The selected individual or firm should be able to provide innovative methods to deal with municipal challenges, and cost effective solutions. A firm may submit a solicitation response for one or more of the categories of product or services requested in this solicitation. It is the intent of the entity to consider interlocal cooperative agreements and state/federal contracts in determining the best value for the entity. Questions Deadline: 2/21/2024 05:00 PM (CT) HARD COPY SUBMISSION FORMAT Respondents shall provide detailed information to allow the City to properly evaluate the submission. The City requests the following format be used: 1. Hard copy submissions shall be bound only utilizing a staple or binder clip. Do not submit responses in a binder or file folder. 2. Submission shall be no more than 200 pages in length 3. Utilize tabs to identify exhibits and attachments 4. Hard Copy Submittals shall include one (1) original signed by an officer authorized to bind the firm 5. Submit response, before the published due date. Hard copy submittals must be in a sealed envelope with the solicitation number and name. 6. The submission shall include the following: a. Completed Bid Invitation b. Pricing Sheet c. Safety Record (if applicable form will be attached) d. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire e. Appendices may be used for additional documentation or clarification at the respondent's option f. USB flash drive with all submittal documents


Power Plant

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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