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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Project Manager for this project is Greg Ling, Streets Supervisor, Public Works Department, Town of Chapel Hill. All requests for interpretations related to this RFB must be submitted in writing to the Project Manager at by 3:00 pm on Thursday, February 15, 2024. All responses to timely submitted requests for interpretations will be published in the form of an addendum on the Town's website on Friday, February 16, 2024. For questions on the bidding procedures, contact the Town's Purchasing Division at 919-969-5022. Project Summary: This project consists of patching,milling, and resurfacing of selected Town streets. Contacts: For Questions about the Proposed Project: Greg Ling, Streets Supervisor, Project Manager Public Works Town of Chapel Hill 405 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Email: For Questions about BiddingProcedures: Town of Chapel Hill PurchasingDivision 919-969-5022 Minority and Women Owned Enterprises. Bidder shall make a good faith effort to ensure that, whenever possible, subcontracts are awarded to minority and women's business enterprises in accordance with Town policy. See General Conditions for additional information. DESCRIPTION OF WORK PAVING The production, delivery, placement, and compaction of all bituminousmaterial shall be in accordance with Section 610 of the Standard Specifications. All paving shall be the appropriate Surface Mix, Type S9.5B or S9.5C, Intermediate Mix, Type I19.0C, or Base Mix, B25.0C. A currently approved North Carolina Department of Transportation job mix formula shall be used for all bituminous construction. Tack shall conform to Section 605, Asphalt Tack Coat, of the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. Tack shall only be applied beyond the area to be paved on a given day or night. Trackless tack is permitted. Trucks shall be fitted with appropriate measuring devices such that the quantity of tack applied to an area may be verified. Tack shall be spread with the spray bar on the tack truck. Use of hand wands to spray tack is limited to areas not accessible to the truck spray bar. There will be no separate payment for this item. MILLING STREETS The existing pavement shall be milled in a manner which will restore the pavement surface to a uniform longitudinal profile and cross section at the locations specified. The Contractor shall mill intersections and other irregular areas as indicated by the Public Works Director. The Contractormay elect to make multiple cuts to achieve the required depth or cross slopes as specified. Longitudinal profile of the milled surface shall be established by a mobile string line on the side of the cut nearest the centerline of the road or as directed by the Public Works Director. The cross slope of the milled surface shall be established by an automatic cross slope control mechanism or by a second skid sensing device located on the opposite edge of the cut. The Public Works Director may waive the requirements for automatic grade and cross slope controls where conditions warrant. The milling equipment shall be operated in such a manner as to prevent damage to underlying pavement structure, utilities, drainage facilities, curb and gutter, pavement surfaces outside the milled area, and any other appurtenances. The milled pavement surface shall be reasonably smooth and free of excessive scarification marks, gouges, ridges, continuous grooves, or other damage as determined by the Public Works Director. Any leveling or patching required as a result of negligence by the Contractor shall be repaired with hot bituminous plant mix at no cost to the Town. The Contractor shall coordinate the adjustment of manholes,meter boxes, and water valves with the milling operation. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to clean the streets after milling. The milled pavement surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all loose aggregate particles, dust, and other objectionable material by use of power brooms, blowers, power vacuums, or other means. The milled asphalt shall be hauled off at the expense of the Contractor. The Town has the option to retain up to 50% of the millings for their use and will provide a stockpile site at no additional cost to the Town. The Contractor shall not stockpile or store any waste or millings on the streets or rights-of-way in Chapel Hill. Pavement removal operations shall be conducted to effectivelyminimize the amount of dust being emitted. The operation shall be planned and conducted so that it is safe for persons and property adjacent to the work including the traveling public. The removal of the existing pavement shall be to the depth required by the plans or contract. In the event it is altered by more than one inch a pro-rated adjustmentmay be requested by either party.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Chapel Hill, NC

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