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Published March 28, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The Pittsburgh Government Center Condominium Association ("PGCA") is accepting competitive proposals from experienced property management firms to manage the PGCA's property located to 412 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 (the "Property"). The PGCA consists of 3 members, Urban Redevelopment Authority ("URA"), Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh ("PGCA") and the City of Pittsburgh ("City"), collectively "Co-Owners." The PGCA seeks proposals from persons or organizations qualified to provide Property Management for the Property. The PGCA is contemplating the award of a professional service contract, or contracts, for an initial term of three (3) years with two (2), one (1) year extension options, for a total of five (5) of years. Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be in writing and directed to: Mr. Kim Detrick - Sr. Procurement Director/Chief Contracting Officer Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412.456.5116, Option 1 412.456.5007 fax The designated historical Property was built in 1920 and has recently undergone a complete renovation by the seller of its core, shell, and mechanical systems and buildout by buyers. The Property contains 157,930 gross square feet and includes nine (9) floors and a basement. PGCA plans to build out and occupy all nine (9) floors with the last of the buildout under construction. Located primarily on the first floor is a "one stop shop" where the public may apply for permits, licenses, and PGCA services. The basement consists of public meeting rooms, a fitness center, locker rooms, and storage rooms. There is an adjacent parking lot containing fourteen (14) spaces. Verizon Wireless leases antennae space on the roof. Each of Co-Owners of PGCA are responsible for their exclusive premises for such matters as build out, furniture, fixtures, and equipment. The selected Property Manager will be charged with managing the common areas and building shell such as its common mechanical systems, exterior maintenance and repair. The selected Property Manager will also seek efficiencies of scale for services within the exclusive premises such as cleaning services. Breakdown of 412 Building is as follows: The basement is under construction. Half of the first floor is occupied by HACP and the other half is occupied by the City. Floors five through seven are occupied by HACP. Floors eight and nine are occupied by the URA. Floors two through four are occupied by the City of Pittsburgh. Duties of the Property Manager shall include the following: a) Managing the common areas and building shall such as its common mechanical systems, exterior maintenance, cleaning, and repair. b) Seek efficiencies of scale for services within the exclusive premises of the Co-Owners, such as cleaning services. c) Be available and able to commence management of the building within five (5) business days of contract execution; d) Provide input into design of build-out e) Use the Operating Account in accordance with the approved annual operating budget and bidding according to applicable law to make the following payments: 1) Make utility payments; 2) Pay vendors including, but not limited to, security, elevator maintenance, HVAC maintenance, fire suppression; 3) Pay insurance premiums; 4) Maintenance and repairs including: a. Snow and ice removal from Property b. Exterior including facade and windows c. Common areas d. Common system maintenance and repair (including, but not limited to, rooftop HVAC and distribution, building general plumbing, fire suppression, conveyance, annual inspections, preventative maintenance for building systems, and general upkeep including cleaning, window washing) e. As needed, coordinate with employees of Co-Owners to fulfill duties f. coordinate with a building representative/liaison appointed by the co-owners; 5) Maintain and operate the parking lot; 6) Draw property management fees; 7) Obtain approval from PGCA before paying any vendors amounts that deviate from the approved annual operating budget or other agreements; f) Solicit vendor services by conducting competitive bidding as required by law after obtaining the PGCA's approval; require subcontractors to comply with and be bound by all provisions governing the Property Manager, then contract with and oversee vendors as Agent for the PGCA; g) Pay service worker prevailing wages to all employees (and employees of subcontractors) performing building service work, including, but not limited to, security, maintenance, janitorial, and cleaning services, in accordance with the City of Pittsburgh Service Worker Prevailing Wage Ordinance, and Pittsburgh City Code 161.16, 161.38, and the Davis-Bacon Act; h) Meet at least once each quarter with the PGCA's' representatives to review the performance and effectiveness of the Property; i) By September 1 of each year, prepare and submit to the PGCA's representatives proposed annual operating and capital budget and assist in the PGCA's annual assessment for the Capital Improvement Fund; j) Recommend appropriate Property and General Liability insurance coverages and costeffective premiums; k) Advise the PGCA on any issues related to the overall long-term stability, function and\or energy efficiency of the Property; l) Assure compliance with all Landlord obligations under third party leases at the Property; m) Prepare and submit to the PGCA's' monthly financial statements for the Property; n) Prepare and implement a Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) participation plan for goods and services; o) Identify and perform emergency repairs to assure the safety and security of the Property where the cost is not expected to exceed $3,000; notify the PGCA's assigned contact representative(s) of the Property condition and need to take emergency action; p) Coordinate moving in\out of offices by Co-Owners and third-party tenants; q) Subject to approval of the PGCA, market and lease the basement storage area totaling +\- 1,500 SF; r) Maintain fitness center equipment; s) Coordination with Verizon Wireless regarding lease for antennae space on the roof. t) At the option of the PGCA, manage scheduling and coordination of the use of the public meeting rooms in the basement u) Other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned Minority and Women Business Participation Plan PGCA MBE and WBE Goals. It is the policy of PGCA to ensure that Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women-owned Businesses (WBEs) are provided maximum opportunity to participate in contracts let by PGCA. In accordance with Executive Order 11625, PGCA has established a minimum threshold of eighteen percent (18%) of the total dollar amount for MBE utilization in this contract. PGCA has established a seven percent (7%) minimum threshold for participation of WBEs, and PGCA strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes the use of MBEs and WBEs in all PGCA contracts. For these purposes, an MBE is defined as "any legal entity other than a joint venture, organized to engage in commercial transactions, that is at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned and controlled by one or more minority persons." Also, a minority person is defined as a member of a socially or economically disadvantaged minority group, which includes AfricanAmericans, Hispanic-Americans, Native-Americans, and Asian-Americans. A WBE/MBE is defined as "any legal entity other than a joint venture, organized to engage in commercial transactions, that is at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned and controlled by a female. Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation MUST include an MBE/WBE participation plan which, at a minimum, demonstrates "Best Efforts" have been taken to achieve compliance with MBE/WBE goals. PGCA's Procurement Policy defines "Best Efforts" in compliance with MBE/WBE goals to mean that the contractor must certify and document with its bid or proposal that it has contacted in writing at least ten (10) certified MBE/WBE subcontractors to participate in the proposed contract with PGCA or lesser number if the contractor provides documentation that ten (10) certified MBE and ten (10) certified WBE contractors could not be identified. Each contractor shall certify as to same under penalty of perjury and shall submit the back-up documentation with its bid or proposal. Any bid or proposal received from a contractor that does not contain such certification and back-up documentation acceptable to PGCA may be deemed non-responsive by PGCA. If you have any questions regarding the PGCA MBE/WBE goals please contact Renelda Colvin, MBE/WBE Compliance Specialist, by email at or by contacting her at the Procurement Department, Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, 412 Boulevard of the Allies, 6th Floor, Pittsburgh PA 15219, telephone (412) 643-2768. Proposals must demonstrate how the Offeror intends to meet or exceed these goals. Also, complete the table provided in Attachment E and include with your proposal.
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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412 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA
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