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Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in New Canaan, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

This Request for Bids (BID) was prepared to solicit Bids from qualified responsible contractors to provide Exterior Repairs on Waveny 677 South Ave., New Canaan CT 06840. Repoint all eroded, missing or improperly repaired brick and limestone masonry joints. Repoint at stone to brick joints 100%. Repoint an additional 10% of joints as determined in the field. Repair/replace all cracked and deteriorated brickwork. Repair/replace/reset all cracked, spalled, displaced, deteriorated and previous inappropriate limestone patches where and as indicated on the drawings. Carefully remove limestone window head elements and three courses of brickwork above, repair/replace any rusting and deteriorated steel lintels and back up masonry. Install new waterproofing membrane with end dams and weeps. Reinstall stone window head elements and brickwork to match original. Remove abandoned miscellaneous metal anchors from masonry and repair as necessary. . Remove efflorescence, salt deposits and staining from the surface of brick masonry and stone where and as specified. Remove existing cracked concrete, clean and treat corroded reinforcement where exposed. Provide new stainless steel reinforcing mesh or rebars according to cavity width and depth, provide concrete patching compound to match adjacent undisturbed concrete. No contractor may withdraw his proposal within 90 days after the actual date of the RFP opening. Additionally, the contract documents require the prompt commencement of the work. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or any part thereof, to waive defects in the same, or to accept any proposal or any part thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of New Canaan, Connecticut. All contractors are requested to note that the award of this Contract is subject to the following conditions and contingencies: The approval of such governmental agencies as may be required by law. The appropriation of adequate funds by the proper agencies. Please contact Bill Oestmann at 203-594-3710 with any questions.

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City





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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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677 South Ave, New Canaan, CT

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