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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Trenton, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Trenton is soliciting request for competitive contracting proposals through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq. for: LEAD LINE REPLACEMENT (LSLRP) PROGRAM MANAGEMENT PHASE 3 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND SEWER Scope of Services, Requirements, Evaluation Criteria, and other proposal information may be obtained at the Division of Purchasing, 1st Floor, City Hall Annex, 319 East State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608 during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:30 pm) or at the City's Purchasing Website. Background Trenton Water Works (TWW) is a Division within the City of Trenton's Department of Water and Sewer. TWW provides service to approximately 63,000 metered customers and 217,000 people in the City of Trenton as well as portions of Ewing, Hamilton, Hopewell, and Lawrence Townships through approximately 655 miles of transmission and distribution mains. The water distribution system is made up of four 1-million gallon above ground storage tanks, one 600,000-gallon hydro pillar, a 1.2-milliongallon standpipe for system storage, and a 100-million-gallon reservoir. TWW has replaced approximately 9,600 Lead Service Lines (LSLs) to date. NJ I-Bank funding has been a key component of financing. TWW was awarded an EPA WIIN Grant to replace LSLs. The initial grant quantity was 790, however, because of price increases the quantity is now estimated to be between 700 - 750. If bid pricing is favorable the quantity may be slightly higher. The project must be managed to maximize the number of LSLs that are replaced. This RFP is for planning work, project oversight, bid services, construction management, lead service line inventory management, construction inspection for Phase 3, for the replacement of approximately 700 - 750 Lead Service Lines (LSLs). The anticipated contract duration will be approximately two years. As part of Phase 3, Rutgers University - Environmental Occupational Health Sciences Institute (RU-EOHSI) will be conducting water sampling, and customer/resident lead awareness assessments throughout the project. The Firm will need to notify RU-EOHSI researchers periodically as the project proceeds. The Firm may need to facilitate communication between RU-EOHSI and the construction contractor. Anticipated schedule as per grant revised work plan submitted to EPA: 1. Announce Grant Award to Public - March/April 2023(TWW responsibility) a. On April 6, 2023, City Council passed Resolution 23-161 to Accept the Grant 2. Home Rule ordinance passage by Trenton City Council - TBD (TWW and City Council responsibility) a. Free and mandatory LSL replacements system wide b. Rescind special assessment for prior lead service line replacements (LSLRPs) c. This Grant project will proceed independently of the passage of these Ordinances. 3. Advertise and award RFP contract for Program Engineering Management - January - February 2024 a. Resolution to award contract and contract execution: May - July 2024 b. Procurement activities: contract execution through issuing of Purchase Order (PO) 4. Finalize list of replacement addresses based on latest material data, paving, and other work schedules: September 2024 (TWW and engineering management Firm responsibility) 5. Create RU-EOHSI educational materials: July - September 2024 (RU-EOHSI) 6. Create TWW educational materials: for LSL pre-replacement, and during/after LSL replacement stages: September 2024 (TWW, engineering management Firm, with possible assistance from NJ Futures) 7. Conduct Pre-Replacement Education, Sampling, and Knowledge Assessments - September - October 2024 (RU-EOHSI responsibility - dependent on TWW construction schedule) 8. Advertise and award bid contract for Construction Contractor: October - early December 2024 (TWW responsibility) a. Bid document revisions. b. Bid advertisements. c. Bid award recommendations. d. Resolution to award, and contract execution through the issuing of a PO 9. LSL Replacements- construction and inspections, January 2025 - January 2026 (responsibilities: TWW and construction vendor - LSL replacements; engineering management Firm and TWW - inspections) 10.One-week post-replacement sampling, three-month post replacement sampling, customer knowledge assessments, and reporting to consumers - January 2025 - February 2026. TWW will provide Pitcher Filters and six months of replacement cartridges will be provided to each home where the LSL replacement has taken place (responsibilities: TWW distributes pitchers, six months of filters, and post replacement information/flushing instructions, RUEOHSI samples water and assesses customer knowledge, TWW informs customers and EPA of any lead action level exceedances) 11.Site restorations, road paving as needed - ongoing through 2026 (TWW responsibility) 12.Announce Grant Achievements to Public - April 2026 SCOPE OF WORK TWW is seeking qualified engineering consulting Firms to submit proposals to provide professional services for the successful completion of TWW's LSLRP Phase 3. Qualified Firms will demonstrate an established track record of managing LSL replacement projects of this magnitude and larger. Qualified Firms will include a demonstrated track record of ArcGIS application and dashboard creation and ability to manage the project from the TWW ArcGIS servers. Phase 3 engineering management and construction phase services will be financed with an EPA WIIN grant. All work performed shall comply with the Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) and Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) requirements, as regulatory conditions evolve in the course of the project. All project deliverables shall be provided to TWW in editable digital formats for TWW's future use. All data and deliverables are property of TWW. A brief list of the scope of work is listed below: a) Provide assistance with EPA and NJDEP required recordkeeping and paperwork for the LSLRP, b) Provide project planning support, c) Provide construction bid services, d) Coordinate and provide construction management services, e) Data Management, f) Public Communications and Outreach, g) Permitting (road opening, plumbing, etc.) applications, h) Provide Inspection services for 100% of the construction work (within Task 4), i) Provide freelance plumbing permit review and inspection services (within Task 4), j) Track site restoration needs and customer complaints (within Task 4), k) Contingency l) Project Closeout TWW is a participating utility in the EPA Lead Accelerator Program. In addition, NJ Future will be assisting TWW in communications and outreach. Cooperation and coordination with these programs may be required. Certain tasks pertaining to ArcGIS and public communications may be removed from the scope of work as the project proceeds. Firms are requested to list separate fees as indicated in the task descriptions. Questions must be submitted in writing to prior to the deadline date. Deadline date for questions is FEBRUARY 29, 2024. The City of Trenton is not obligated to answer any questions past the deadline date.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 26, 2024

April 24, 2024


Multiple Locations, Trenton, NJ

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