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Published February 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Olathe, Kansas. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

PN 3-P-001-25, PN 3-P-002-25, PN 3-P-003-25, PN 3-P-004-25, PN 3-P-005-25 The City of Olathe, Kansas, Engineering Division is requesting qualified design firms to submit qualifications for the preparation of design documents for construction of the following projects as part of the 2025 Olathe Street Preservation Program: Project Name: K-7 Highway Arterial Mill and Overlay Project Project Number: 3-P-001-25 Project Limits: Harold Street to Loula Street Designed improvements will include 3.5" milling and asphalt resurfacing with paving mat, spot concrete curb and gutter replacement, spot sidewalk replacement, consideration of 8' shared use path, ADA ramps, and pavement markings. This project may include a new signal pole at the northwest corner of the intersection at Loula Street. The project may also include City Connecting Link Improvement Program (CCLIP) funding. Design services will include survey of existing conditions, utility coordination, acquisition documentation (title reports, surveyed exhibits, easement documents, etc.) needed for any right-of-way or easements, developing construction plans in accordance with Olathe design standards and specifications, cost estimates, assistance with bidding of projects for construction and assistance as needed throughout construction. Project Name: 143rd Street Arterial Mill and Overlay Project Project Number: 3-P-002-25 Project Limits: Mur Len Road to Black Bob Road Designed improvements will include 2" milling and asphalt resurfacing, asphalt base repairs (as needed), spot concrete curb and gutter replacement, spot sidewalk replacement, consideration of 8' shared use path, ADA ramps, stormwater improvements, and pavement markings. Design services will include survey of existing conditions, utility coordination, acquisition documentation (title reports, surveyed exhibits, easement documents, etc.) needed for any right-of-way or easements, developing construction plans in accordance with Olathe design standards and specifications, cost estimates, assistance with bidding of projects for construction and assistance as needed throughout construction. Project Name: Lakeshore Drive Arterial Mill and Overlay Project Project Number: 3-P-003-25 Project Limits: Dennis Avenue to 135th Street Designed improvements will include 2" milling and asphalt resurfacing, asphalt base repairs (as needed), shoulder additions where possible, stormwater improvements, and pavement markings. Design services will include survey of existing conditions, utility coordination, acquisition documentation (title reports, surveyed exhibits, easement documents, etc.) needed for any right-of-way or easements, developing construction plans in accordance with Olathe design standards and specifications, cost estimates, assistance with bidding of projects for construction and assistance as needed throughout construction. Project Name: 167 th Street Improvements Project Project Number: 3-P-004-25 Project Limits: Hedge Lane to I-35 Highway Designed improvements will include new pavement section (collector section from Benefit District Project to highway, residential section from highway to new City entrance), stormwater improvements, street lighting improvements, and pavement markings. Design services will include survey of existing conditions, developing construction plans in accordance with Olathe design standards and specifications, cost estimates, assistance with bidding of projects for construction and assistance as needed throughout construction. Project Name: Clare Road Arterial Mill and Overlay Project Project Number: 3-P-005-25 Project Limits: 114th Street to College Boulevard Designed improvements will include 2" milling and asphalt resurfacing, asphalt base repairs (as needed), spot concrete curb and gutter replacement, spot sidewalk replacement, consideration of 8' shared use path, ADA ramps, and pavement markings. Design services will include survey of existing conditions, developing construction plans in accordance with Olathe design standards and specifications, cost estimates, assistance with bidding of projects for construction and assistance as needed throughout construction. Question & Answer deadline Mar 08, 2024 (Fri), 12:00 PM


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 12, 2025


Multiple Locations, Olathe, KS

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