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Renovation of a residential development in Owosso, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Major Items Include: The City of Owosso has received a grant through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) to assist residential property owners within the City with energy efficiency renovations. Work could include any of the following: Roofing, Storm Doors/Exterior Doors, Windows, Insulation, Furnaces, Water Heaters, Exterior Security Lighting, Appliance Upgrades and/or Electrical Upgrades for eleven (11) homes within the city limits of Owosso. All inquiries regarding this bid request must be submitted to Tanya Buckelew, Planning & Building Director at 989-725-0540 or email and received at least seven (7) days prior to the bid opening. The bidder can request the list of addresses, scope of work and schedule the on-site pre-inspections to gain entry into the homes. This bid will be considered All or None. All or None means that bidders are required to submit pricing for all items requested. Any proposal received that does not meet this requirement will be disqualified. All bids must be in writing and must contain an original signature by an authorized officer of the firm. The bidder agrees that if the City accepts their proposal, the bidder will, within 10 consecutive calendar days after receiving notice of this acceptance, enter into a contract to furnish all labor, equipment, and tools necessary to execute the work at the price named in the bid proposal. Exterior and interior renovations to residential homes within the City of Owosso The City has worked with the property owners to develop a list of improvements that would benefit their home the most. The total grant award for materials and labor $250,000 Maximum allowed per home $ 25,000 Due to the limits on funds available, the City is requiring the bid specify each address, description of work and costs. The City may not award portions of projects at certain addresses to ensure those limits are met. There are eleven (11) homes to be included in this project. No work can begin before APRIL 1, 2024, and all work is to be completed by DECEMBER 31, 2024 The City reserves the right to accept any proposal; or to reject any proposal; to waive irregularities in a proposal; or to negotiate if it appears to be in the best interest of the City of Owosso. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

Bid Results

Residential Subdivision


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 19, 2024

April 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Owosso, MI

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