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Published February 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Omaha, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Mowing of City of Omaha Lift Stations: City of Omaha is requesting quotes from qualified companies, herein called Bidder, Contractor, Vendor, Supplier, or other pronouns used in their place, for all work and/or goods set forth in the specifications. Question Cuttoff Date & Time: 2/22/2024 03:00:00 PM (ET) Lift Station mowing includes the following facilities (See internet links for additional details): 1.Bay Shores (4235 S 168th St) 2.New Leavenworth (400 Pierce St) 3.South Omaha Industrial (2214 Washington St) 4.Fire Ridge (197th & Harney) 5.Ridges (3121 S 180th St) 6.Standing Bear (5902 N 144th St) 7.Whispering Ridge (3180 N HWS Cleveland Blvd) 8.Sanctuary (2999 S 229th St) 9.Redman (5120 N 34th St) 10.Bridge St (9127 River Dr.) 11.Burt Izard (625 Riverfront Drive) 12.Burt Izard 1 Flood (1302 Izard St.) 13.Grace Flood (2002 N 11th St.) 14.16th &Pershing lot (6501 N 16th St.) 15.20th & Pierce (1205 S 20th St.) 16.Country Club Oaks (6040 Country Club Plaza) 17.59th & Jones (5914 Jones St.) Each station shall be mowed at the following intervals; the LMS may prescribe the exact date of each mowing: April 1st through May 31st - Weekly June 1st through September 30th - Bi-weekly Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, gasoline, oil, utilities, and any other facilities and services necessary to execute and complete the work. The contract includes mowing and trimming for a period of two (2) years, starting on April 1st 2024 and ending on April 1st 2026, with an option by the City of Omaha (City) to extend for two (2) one (1) year terms. The area to be mowed consists of grassy land within the boundaries of the detailed maps of seventeen (17) distinct lift stations within the City. Additional site-specific requirements are addressed via the internet linked maps. Mowed grass as described in this specification shall consist of all vegetation in the designated area with an average height equal to three (3) inches. Prior to mowing the Contractor shall complete trash collection and removal to reduce mowing over such debris. The areas to be mowed are identified via internet links. Refer to instructions later in this bid document to view the online maps. Contractor shall mow as close to all permanent structures as is reasonably possible with the appropriate equipment needed to maintain a uniform height equivalent to that of the other mowed areas. Hand trimming shall be performed with the aid of a Weed Whacker or any other suitable hand trimmer. Hand trimming shall be performed around all guard posts, sign posts, power poles, chain link fences, trees, and along all building perimeter walls where grass or any vegetation is growing. The Contractor shall trim around any other equipment which may be located permanently or temporarily on each site. The Levee Maintenance Superintendent (LMS) shall be the primary point of contact and City representative. The Contractor shall have a non-working superintendent, who shall be responsible for satisfactory progression of the work and to ensure that all work is being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications of this contract. This person is also to relay any conflicts or discrepancies that arise in the plans to the LMS for resolution or interpretation. The Contractors superintendent shall represent the Contractor and all communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. In case of extreme weather, conditions, rain, and/or drought and the mowing services cannot be performed, the Contractor will not be paid for that weeks services. The Contractor shall be responsible to coordinate with the LMS. The Contractor shall lock and secure any area that was unlocked by the Contractor prior to leaving the location. Contractor shall make sure all City issued keys and codes to City property are not lost, misplaced, or misused by any authorized or unauthorized personnel. The Contractor shall not duplicate any keys issued by the City and shall immediately report lost or stolen keys to the LMS. In the event of stolen or lost keys by authorized personnel the City may require the Contractor to replace and pay for the affected lock replacement or key replacement. All mowing will be mulched in place. Contractor shall repair any and all grassy areas, fencing, posts, or equipment (temporary or permanently) on location, which are damaged by his machine in the process. The Contractor shall notify the LMS immediately in the case of damaging any City owned property or equipment. Repairs to grassy areas will consist of replacing all damaged areas with specified seed and must be protected with matting, so as to restore the grassed areas to their previous condition. Any damage done by the Contractor or associated personnel to City property shall require the Contractor to replace and/or pay for the affected property including, but not limited to: gates, fences, posts, signs, sidewalks, and any permanent or temporarily stored equipment. Application of herbicides will be done by City forces and not by the Contractor.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Omaha, NE

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