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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Madison, Alabama. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Janitorial services for the Madison Public Library, the Wellness Center, and the new Community Center. Services for the Madison Public Library and the Wellness Center will commence 30 days from the award of the bid, and it is anticipated that the bid will be awarded on March 11, 2024. Question Deadline: 02/28/2024 at 5:00 PM CT, Any requests from potential Bidders for clarification of Bid Specifications and plans or for additional information related to this procurement project must be submitted through online All other inquiries regarding this bid should be directed to: Alicia Walden, Administrative Planning and Bidding Coordinator 256-772-5630. It is the intent of the City of Madison, Alabama, to let for competitive bidding the project described herein and to enter into a Contract for the services and work described with the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder. Services shall be provided by Contractor pursuant to the terms set forth herein for a period of twelve (12) months from the effective date. City reserves the right to extend this Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, not to exceed a total of three (3) years operating under the terms set forth herein. Except as provided in Ala. Code 39-2-11(b)(c)(d), no Bid may be withdrawn after Bid deadline or prior to the time of returning Bid Bonds as provided for herein To be eligible for award, submitted bids must be completed on original bid forms provided in the bid packet and may not be faxed or emailed. No pre-qualification is required for this project. The attorney-in-fact (resident agent) who executes the Performance Bond and/or Payment Bond (if bonds are required) on behalf of the surety must attach a notarized copy of his or her power-of-attorney as evidence of his authority to bind the surety as of the date of execution of the bonds. Certification by a resident agent authorized to do business in Alabama is required. The City reserves the right to reject all Bids whenever it is deemed in the best interests of the City to do so and to subsequently issue a new Invitation, direct the work to be done by force account, or eliminate this procurement project completely. The City may also waive any minor informalities, technicalities, or irregularities in any Bid received. The City reserves the right to reject any Bid that is submitted by a Bidder determined by the City to not be a responsible Bidder or whose Bid is not responsive The Community Center is currently undergoing renovations and services will not commence at that location until it is open to the public, which is expected in June of 2024.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 6, 2024

March 12, 2024


Multiple Locations, Madison, AL

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