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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Reno, Nevada. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

INTENT: It is the intent of this Request for Qualifications: 1. To solicit sufficient and verifiable information from prospective providers of professional engineering services from which the successful proposer firm(s) will be selected. 2. To establish the specifications, terms, and conditions governing the selection of an engineering firm to take an approximate conceptual design and provide professional engineering and design for a 30% and then 60% level for terracing, levee, and environmental improvements (that may include stream habitat enhancement and channel relocation) along the Truckee River from the Rock Blvd. to McCarran Blvd. bridges. The 60% will be used in follow-up to support future efforts necessary for permitting. INTRODUCTION The Truckee River Flood Management Authority (TRFMA) is inviting sealed statements of qualifications from professional engineering consultants to perform engineering and economic analysis services for the Truckee River Flood Management Project. The project area will be within the jurisdictions of the cities of Reno and Sparks, Nevada, from the Rock Blvd. Bridge downstream to the McCarran Blvd. Bridge. The surrounding floodplain area to the south is largely owned by TRFMA with the north bank areas owned by City of Sparks and other miscellaneous landowners. The project is overseen by the TRFMA and its 6-member Board of Directors. The TRFMA is a Joint Powers Authority created by an interlocal cooperative agreement between Washoe County and the cities of Reno and Sparks. The TRFMA Board of Directors is made up of elected officials from each of its member governments. The TRFMA is funded by a portion of a 1/8-cent sales tax that was authorized in 1999 and is collected by Washoe County. The Truckee River Meadows Flood Management Project (herein called the Meadows Project) is being designed and built using funds from the 1/8-cent sales tax described above and any other grant, revolving or bonded funds that may be available. The overall Meadows Project extends from just downstream of the US 395 Bridge to Vista Narrows. In addition, downstream mitigation, and stream/ecosystem restoration projects extend from Vista Narrows downstream as far as Pyramid Lake. PROJECT SCOPE AND GOALS: The scope of the Meadows Project is to protect the surrounding Reno and Sparks industrial areas and the Reno-Tahoe International Airport from flooding due to breakouts along this reach up to and to some degree beyond the 100-year peak flow. Along with this flood protection goal, the scope includes transforming the land along this reach within the levees from high terracing that is often disconnected from the river into a low terrace with a functioning floodplain that provides fish and wildlife habitat and safely and effectively conveys much larger flows than under existing conditions due to proposed upstream flood protection projects. In the outer floodplain area to the south near Mill Street, the scope includes providing an outer floodplain feature that can accommodate certain recreational amenities in a regional park setting and help attenuate the 100-year peak flows by storing water during flood events. General design goals include but are not limited to: 1. Design levees to contain the peak flows of a 100-year Truckee River mainstem flood, along with considerable freeboard within the designed levees of the north and south bank of the Truckee River throughout this reach to protect the Reno and Sparks industrial areas as well as the Reno Tahoe International Airport. 2. While containing flows, design terracing and floodplains to be able to withstand, without undue erosive or other damage, these higher flows and altered hydraulic conditions while improving floodplain functionality including increased wetlands, proper vegetative expression, and improved fish and wildlife habitat. 3. Design to avoid the need to build floodwalls by proposing to relocate the river as needed in designs. When relocating the river to avoid the need for floodwalls (or for other reasons) examine and design for habitat improvements (enhancement) especially spawning habitat improvements for the federally listed Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. 4. Investigate various configurations of levees including the currently proposed "intermediate levee" between the two large levees that separates the lower floodplain areas from the outer floodplain areas near Mill Street. Design the intermediate levee and outer floodplain areas to optimize the attenuation of the 100-year peak flow through the McCarran Blvd. Bridge by allowing it to fill with water at the optimum water level to attenuate the 100-year flood. All interested firms at the outset must email Marti Swenson; with a request to be granted access to the TRFMA Dropbox containing detailed background information for the RFQ along with any relevant updates and clarifications. The background information includes past engineering studies at or near the area, documentation of the most recent hydraulic modeling along the reach, and other relevant information such as recreational and park plans and other related studies engineering designs, and presentations. All questions and correspondence regarding the Request for Qualifications must be directed to both of the following people, in writing, via email: Executive Director, George Robison; ( Natural Resources Manager, Danielle Henderson; (


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May 13, 2024


Multiple Locations, Reno, NV

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