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Site work and paving for a transportation facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

The engineer's estimate for this project has a range from $700,000 to $850,000. Skywest Hangar Taxilane Reconstruction Background Issuing Procurement Unit, Conducting Procurement Unit, and Solicitation Number The State of Utah Division of Purchasing is the issuing procurement unit and The Department of Workforce Services is the conducting procurement unit for this IFB (referred to as "the State"). The reference number for this IFB is Solicitation #BH24-54. This solicitation number must be referred to on all bids, correspondence, and documentation submitted to the State relating to this IFB. Additional Information Bidders are prohibited from communications regarding this IFB with the conducting procurement unit staff, evaluation committee members, or other associated individuals EXCEPT the State of Utah Division of Purchasing procurement officer overseeing this IFB. Wherever in this IFB an item is defined by using a trade name, brand name, or a manufacturer and/or model number, it is intended that the words, "or equivalent" apply; and invites the submission of equivalent products by the Bidders. Bidders may be required to submit product samples to assist the chief procurement officer or head of a procurement unit with independent procurement authority in evaluating whether a procurement item meets the specifications and other requirements set forth in the invitation to bid. Product samples must be furnished free of charge unless otherwise stated in the invitation for bids, and if not destroyed by testing, will upon written request within any deadline stated in the invitation for bids, be returned at the bidder's expense. Samples must be labeled or otherwise identified as specified in the invitation for bids by the procurement unit. Project Description: This project is a continuing phase to maintain an airports infrastructure, The existing taxilane is failing and continuous spalling is creating a FOD hazard for all aircraft in the area. The extent of the damage is to the point where repairs by Airport Maintenance are not lasting because of the pavement condition. Reconstructing this taxilane will provide a new safe entrance for aircraft using the SkyWest maintenance facility and reduce FOD potential for aircraft on Taxiway F in the vicinity of the taxilane. The project will consist of a 5" mill of the existing taxilane and an asphalt pavement overlay. Temporary and permanent drainage improvements will be designed for the project site. Also included in the project will be the installation and relocation of the existing sign and replace the existing lights with LED fixtures and new cable. Project Address: Salt Lake City International Airport Anticipated Construction Notice to Proceed: April 22, 2024 1. Substantial Completion: 39 calendar days from the date of April 22, 2024, Construction Notice to Proceed. 2. Final Acceptance: 15 calendar days following completion of Owner submitted punch list items Question Deadline 02/29/2024 at 5:00 PM MT *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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March 7, 2024

April 22, 2024


W Terminal Dr, Salt Lake City, UT

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