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Published February 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Saint Joseph, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The St. Joseph Housing Commission (SJHC), St. Joseph, Michigan, seeks a property management organization for property management services. Said organization has a high regard for ethical leadership, a dedicated commitment to public service, organizational integrity and innovative solutions. The Commission's mission is to provide quality, affordable housing and selfsufficiency opportunity to low and moderate income residents in St. Joseph, Michigan in an effective and professional manner. The Commission intends to execute a contract commencing on or about May 1, 2024. Background: The St. Joseph Housing Commission is a "public housing agency" as defined under the US Housing Act of 1937 (the Act) and is a body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan that receives funding and assistance from HUD. The St. Joseph Housing Commission owns one multi-family building (Lakeview Terrace) totaling 107 units. Minimum Qualifications for Respondents: Experience and ability to manage troubled properties, a strong working knowledge of HUD, and grant research and writing knowledge and housing commission regulations and procedures. Extensive experience in planning and directing of staff personnel. Ability to use capable judgment to determine when to act independently and when to seek guidance, and approval and authorization. Ability to train and assign personnel, delegate authority and effect maximum efficiency. Ability to work well with personnel and residents. Ability to comprehend complex government regulations, reports, contracts and guidelines. Perform those functions and meet job performance requirements of the building/property manager. Act as liaison between SJHC and HUD. Respond to the directives and policies of the SJHC and HUD, ensure compliance with the Recovery Plan, and perform work related functions as required. Receive and handle complaints including but not limited to residents, staff personnel and citizenry. Night meetings are also a requirement of the position, held at least once per month, which include Board secretarial duties. Qualified Respondents must demonstrate having prior experience with the management of rental multifamily properties, including affordable housing. Experience working with low-income, senior/elderly housing, and households with special needs is strongly preferred. Qualified respondents must meet the Commission's insurance requirements and demonstrate experience in the management of affordable multi-family properties in Michigan.


Residential Subdivision

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 1, 2025


Multiple Locations, Saint Joseph, MI

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