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Published April 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Wallops Island, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Pad 0A Flame Trench Refractory Rebuild Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority (VCSFA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide concrete demolition and refractory concrete and anchors installation services for its Launchpad. The work will encompass the modification of the launch pad's flame deflector and duct, with a view to enhancing the safety and efficiency of the launch operations. The project is located on NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA Proposals shall remain valid for 30 days from the date submittals are due All questions shall be e-mailed to solicitations@vaspace.org by 02/12/2024, 5:00 p.m EST. Please include RFP #24. 500344-006-023 in the subject line of all inquiries. Anticipated Completion Date Project end date: 11/01/24 III. SCOPE OF WORK VCSFA seeks proposals from qualified firms to provide concrete demolition and refractory concrete and anchors installation services for its Launchpad. The work will encompass the modification of the launch pad's flame deflector and duct, with a view to enhancing the safety and efficiency of the launch operations. The scope of work comprises the following tasks: 1. Enlarging the flame duct entrance, which involves removing a 1-inch thick, 24-inch deep embedded plate on two sides, and demolishing Portland cement concrete and rebar per drawing dimensions (over 2 feet back, over 15 feet wide on two sides). The work will be carried out on the launch pad deck, with deluge piping removed and the launch mount in place. Proposals should include provisions for man access to work in this area. 2. Removing the refractory concrete layer in selected locations, ranging from cast 12-inches full depth to entirely eroded base concrete. This process will require removing wire Y anchors down to the structural Portland cement base, with an approximate volume of material to be removed of 24 cubic yards. 3. Installing refractory anchors to the base Portland cement concrete in areas where refractory removal is necessary. Proposals should include Hilti anchors, with approximately four anchors per square foot, with approximately 600 square feet of coverage as specified in the RFP drawings. 4. Installing new Harbison-Walker Apollocrete HP (gunnable) refractory concrete to areas and depths prescribed in the contract drawings. This task will necessitate the installation of approximately 26 cubic yards of refractory concrete.




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February 23, 2024

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7414 Atlantic Rd, Wallops Island, VA

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