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Published February 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Manchester, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Question Submission Deadline: March 5, 2024, 4:00pm Contact Information Cora Narracci Purchasing Agent 494 Main Street Purchasing Department Manchester, CT 06040 Email: cnarracci@manchesterct.gov Phone: (860) 647-3033 In accordance with the provisions of the Town Charter, sealed proposals will be received not later than the date and time set forth above, for furnishing the commodities and/or services listed herein. Proposals must be executed in accordance with and subject to instructions and specifications contained herein. The Town of Manchester is an equal opportunity employer and requires an affirmative action policy for all of its Contractors and Vendors as a condition of doing business with the Town, as per Federal Order 11246. By submitting the Proposal for this bid, all vendors and contractors agree to this condition of doing business with the Town, and should the Town choose to audit their compliance, the vendor agrees to cooperate fully. These instructions are standard for all proposals issued by the Town of Manchester, Connecticut, for the purchase of all supplies, materials, and equipment. The Town of Manchester may delete, supersede, or modify any of these standard instructions for a proposal by indicating such change in the section headed "Special Instructions to Bidders." 1. Unless otherwise stated, deliveries must consist of new merchandise. 2. Prices quoted shall be net delivered prices to the Town. 3. The Town may withhold acceptance of, or reject any merchandise which found, upon examination, not to meet the specifications' requirements. When rejected, it shall be removed by the Contractor (vendor) within ten (10) days after notification of rejection. 4. When the schedule indicates that an item to be purchased is to be specified, or equal, the bidder may offer an article which is certified to be equal in quality, performance, and in other essential characteristics to the bid standard. Bidder must furnish any information, such as specifications, test results, etc., which will help in determining whether an item is equal or superior to the Town's bid standard. If a bidder fails to name a substitute, the specified item must be furnished. 5. Bidders agree to comply with all of the latest Federal and State safety standards and regulations and certify that all items furnished in this bid will conform to and comply with said standards and regulations. Bidder further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town for all damages assessed against the Town as a result of the bidder's failure to comply with said Standards and/or Regulations. 6. The Town reserves the right to make an award by item, total or by group, as may be in the best interest of the Town. If a Bidder desires to bid on an "all or nothing" basis, he shall so indicate on the bid schedule and the Town reserves the right to make an award as may be in the best interest of the Town. 7. The Bidder shall pay all royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Town of Manchester harmless from loss on account thereof except that the Town of Manchester shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular manufacturer, product, or process is specified by the Town of Manchester. Scope of Services 1. It is the intent of this bid to provide a list of contractors that will be available for hire by the Town of Manchester for roofing services as needed during the contract period. Work includes, Inspection & assessment of each building roof as outlined in, section 4 and, building roofing repairs and related work to maintain the roofing systems and prevent water intrusion into the buildings. Facility locations noted below. 2. Calls for service shall be governed by the nature of the job involved and may be of very short duration for repairs or major work for new installation encompassing several days to complete. 3. All contractors and their work must be in full compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, building codes, OSHA rules, regulations and standards, and zoning regulations concerning licenses and legal qualifications to perform all phases of required work. 4. Inspection and Assessment: The bidder shall provide annual inspection and assessment of each roof during the contract term. Owner may request a bi-annual inspection (Spring/Fall) of buildings with particular concerns or historical issues. The inspection is to evaluate roof to determine timeline for future repairs and/or replacement. Inspection report shall be in the form of a schematic diagram and letter or memo format highlighting roof age, construction type, overall condition, issues/concerns, recommended repairs, useful remaining life and approximate cost of replacement. Contractor will be paid a minimum of 2 hours, and up to a maximum of 4 hours at the foreman rate to cover time for travel, inspection and assessment report for each building. D. Additional time & equipment charges that may be required for roofs requiring manlifts, test cuts or infrared scanning equipment will be authorized by mutual agreement. The term of the contract shall be from Date of Award up to and including April 30, 2025. Prices must be held firm during the original contract term. The contractor shall not transfer, sublet, or assign the contract by Power of Attorney or otherwise to any person, firm, or corporation, or in any way vary the terms of the contract without written permission from the Town. The Town has the right to terminate with a thirty (30) day written notice to the contractor. The Town reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time during the contract period. Such termination shall be effective immediately after giving written notice to the contractor that the Town is terminating the contract. The contract contains an option to extend on an annual basis beyond its original term for 4 additional one year periods. The extension of the contract shall be at the same terms and conditions and upon mutual agreement between the Town and the Contractor, made approximately four (4) months prior to the date the contract is due to expire.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Manchester, CT

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