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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Cavalier AFS, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and bridge / tunnel.

Proposed Work Consists of 11.0150 Miles of Hma, Base Stabilization, Bridge Work, Guardrail Located Nd 32, W Jct 5 N to Near Cmc 3410 (Walhalla) And Involves Approximately: 1 L Sum Contract Bond; 2 Ea Removal of Concrete; 22 Ea Removal of End Section-all Types & Sizes; 191 Cy Topsoil; 289 Cy Borrow-excavation; 8 Ea Guardrail Embankment; 949 M Gal Water; 1134 Sta Foreslope Reshaping; 14 Acre Seeding Class Ii; 14 Acre Soil Stabilizer; 27.9 Acre Hydraulic Mulch; 50 Cy Riprap Grade Ii; 930 Lf Fiber Rolls 12in; 930 Lf Remove Fiber Rolls 12in; 2852 Ton Aggregate Base Course Cl 5; 202929 Sy Full Depth Reclamation; 202929 Sy Cement Stabilized Base Course; 4390 Ton Portland Cement; 30036 Gal Tack Coat; 8791 Gal Fog Seal; 83964 Ton Milling Pavement Surface; 65764 Ton Rap - Superpave Faa 43; 522 Ea Cored Sample; 2827.8 Ton Pg 58h-34 Asphalt Cement; 1160 Sy Penetrating Water Repellent Treatment; 1340 Sf Special Surface Finish; 4 Ea Connection Plate Modification; 1 L Sum Mobilization; 2000 Mhr Flagging; 3242 Unit Traffic Control Signs; 1 Ea Lane Closure-signal Control/flagging Control; 2 Ea Attenuation Device-type B-65; 2 Ea Portable Rumble Strips; 10 Ea Type Iii Barricade; 207 Ea Delineator Drums; 792 Ea Tubular Markers; 423 Ea Stackable Vertical Panels; 1000 Hr Pilot Car; 150 Sf Obliteration of Pavement Marking; 300 Lf State Furnished Median Barrier; 1 Ea Field Office; 1 Ea Bituminous Laboratory; 1 Ea Contractor's Laboratory; 75 Sy Geosynthetic Material Type Rr; 22 Ea End Sect-traversable Reinf. Conc.24in; 202 Sy Str Plate Pipe Concrete Floor; 83 Ea Right of Way Markers; 26 Ea Alignment Monuments; 45 Ea Iron Pin R/w Monuments; 40 Ea Iron Pin Reference Monuments; 80 Lf Curb & Gutter-type 1 Special; 59 Sf Flat Sheet for Signs-type Xi Refl Sheeting; 104 Sf Flat Sheet For Signs-type Iv Refl Sheeting; 704 Lf Steel Galv Posts-telescoping Perforated Tube; 26 Ea Reset Sign Panel; 1 Ea Reset Mile Post; 7 Ea Object Markers - Type Iii; 1 Set Rumble Strips - Intersection; 20.5 Mile Sinusoidal Rumble Strip - Asphalt Shoulder; 10.2 Mile Sinusoidal Rumble Strip - Asphalt Centerline; 500 Lf Short Term 6in Line-type R; 24 Lf Short Term 24in Line-type R; 159304 Lf Short Term 6in Line-type Nr; 156724 Lf Pvmt Mk Painted 6in Line; 37 Lf Pvmt Mk Painted 24in Line; 4771 Lf W-beam Guardrail; 12 Ea Wbeam Guardrail End Terminal; 433 Lf Remove W-beam Guardrail & Posts; 4225 Lf Remove 3-cable Guardrail & Posts; 4 Ea Remove End Treatment & Transition; 1 Ea Temporary Stream Diversion; 400 Lf Crack Sealing; 17 Sf Spall Repair. *** End of Project 23210*** Bid Range - $11,500,001 to $13,000,000 Prequalification is required for all bidders submitting a bidding proposal form. Prequalification is required annually. Prequalified contractors who wish to renew their prequalification must submit a complete "Contractor's Prequalification Statement" by July 1 of each calendar year. Bidders who are not currently prequalified must submit a complete "Contractor's Prequalification Statement" at least 10 business days prior to the date of the bid opening. Information is available from the Construction Services Division of the North Dakota Department of Transportation. Contractor's License--A contractor is not required to have a license from the state of North Dakota before bidding on any project, however, no contract will be awarded unless said contractor holds a current North Dakota license in the class within which the value of the contract falls. Contractors are required to meet the provisions of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act on the federal aid projects, are required to meet the Fair Labor Standards Act on all projects, and are required to pay any minimum wage rates set forth in the proposal form. A bid guarantee is required by Section 24-02-20, NDCC. The bid guarantee may be a bid bond equal to 10 percent of the full amount of the bid or a cashier's check of the bidder on a solvent bank equal to 5 percent of the bid. Bid bond shall be on the department form SFN 14196. Prior arrangements may be made with the department to file bid guarantees in advance. The Department of Transportation and all bidders are obligated to affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority or women's business enterprises will be afforded a full opportunity to participate and to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex, age, or national origin in consideration for an award. Where applicable the contractor must fulfill all special provision requirements for utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, to waive technicalities, or to accept such as may be determined to be for the best interests of the state. NDDOT - Job No - 23210 - HMA, Base Stabilization, Bridge Work, Guardrail *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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March 15, 2024

May 14, 2024


ND-32, Cavalier AFS, ND

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