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Saving Project...

Published April 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Louisville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of April 22, 2024, this project was awarded to the following - Hall Contracting of Kentucky, Inc awarded amount is $157,300.00 - Libs Paving Co Inc awarded amount is $104,230.00. - Louisville Paving & Construction awarded amount is $16,850.00. - Wingham Paving Inc awarded amount is $441,142.00. Total awarded amount is $719,522.00. The Jefferson County Public School system will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor and materials and the performance of all work required for the 2024 ASPHALT PAVING PROGRAM at the flowing schools: Fern Creek High School 9115 Fern Creek Road, 40291 Wheeler Elementary School 5700 Cynthia Drive, 40291 Louisville Male High School 4409 Preston Highway, 40213 Ballard High School 6000 Brownsboro Road, 40222 Bowen Elementary School 1601 Roosevelt Avenue, 40242 Greathouse/Shryock Elementary School 2700 Browns Lane, 40220 Doss High School 8200 Candleworth Drive, 40214 Pleasure Ridge Park High School 5901 Greenwood Road, 40258 Western High School 2501 Rockford Lane, 40216 Dawson Garage 3440 Preston Highway, 40213 Marion C. Moore School 6415 Outer Loop, 40228 Cochrane Elementary School 2511 Tregaron Avenue, 40299 Sealed bids are to be hand delivered and placed in the locked "Bid Box" at this location prior to the designated times for receipt of bids. NO BIDS RECEIVED AFTER THIS TIME WILL BE CONSIDERED. No mailed in or faxed bids will be accepted. Bidder needs to be present at the bid opening or the bid shall be automatically rejected. Single or multiple contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best lump sum bid, or on the lowest and best combination of individual bids, whichever is deemed to be in the best interest of the Jefferson County Public Schools. In addition to lowest and best bid, a minimum number of points may be required to be awarded for the General Contractor's Good Faith Efforts if District's goals are not met. (See Good Faith Effort Scoring System in M/W/VBE Program requirements) Bid Guaranty in the form of a Certified/Cashier's Check or Bid Bond shall accompany each bid. The amount of the Bid Guaranty shall not be less than five percent (5%) of the bid set forth on the Form of Proposal. The Bid Guaranty shall be made payable to Jefferson County Public Schools. The Bid Guaranty shall be issued by a Surety Company that has an A.M. Best Company rating of "A-" or better. Refer to Supplemental Instructions to Bidders. Absence of this document will be grounds for automatic rejection of bids. Certified or cashier's checks will not be returned until Board approval of the successful bidder. Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of 45 days after the designated time for receipt of bids. Contractor's Profile form, if not currently on file, is due prior to award of a contract. The Jefferson County Board of Education provides equal opportunities to all of its bidders with respect to the bidding and award of construction contracts. Jefferson County Public Schools requires that the bidder submit to the Facility Planning Unit, with the bid, the following information: 1. Proposal Form-properly signed, with completed unit prices and listing of all sub-contractors at time of submittal. A listing of manufacturers shall be submitted within 1 hour following the bid. 2. Bid Security-properly signed, witnessed and executed. 3. Minority, Women, and Veteran Business Enterprise Sub-contracting Plan; Contractor's Good Faith Effort Summary Sheet, Affidavit, and Supplemental Sheet--properly completed, signed, and dated. The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid, reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities in bids received where such acceptance, rejection or waiver is considered to be in the best interest of the Owner, and to reject any bid where evidence or information submitted by the bidder does not satisfy the Owner that the bidder is qualified to carry out the details of the contract documents. Refer to spec section "JCPS Amendment to the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction" for "liquidated damages" and substantial/final completion dates. Refer to spec section "JCPS Amendment to the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction" for requirements for 100% performance and payment bonds. Contractors are to place their Bid Bond in one envelope, their Minority, Women, and Veteran Participation Documents in a second envelope, and their Form of Proposal in a third envelope. All three envelopes must be distinctly labeled for content, and must be placed in a large, single envelope labeled with the project name and submitting company. The contents of envelopes 1 and 2 must be complete in order for your bid to be considered. Non-conformance To The Above Requirements Shall Be Grounds For Rejection Of The Bid. The date ofsubstantial completion shall be August 1, 2024 Bid Results Fern Creek HS Wingham Paving 24644 Wheeler ES Wingham Paving 43744 Louisville Male HS Libs Paving 104230 Ballard HS Hall Contracting Of KY 79900 Bowen ES Hall Contracting Of KY 77400 Greathouse/Shryock Tes Wingham Paving 31577 Doss HS Wingham Paving 85116 PRP HS Wingham Paving 73779 Western HS Louisville Paving 16850 Marion C.Moore School Wingham Paving 107407 Cochrane ES Wingham Paving 74875


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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