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Published March 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Phoenix, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Phoenix, Aviation Department invites sealed offers from qualified Offerors to supply and install preformed thermoplastic pavement marking materials on an as-needed basis for a two-year contract term beginning on or about June 1, 2024. Summary The City of Phoenix, Aviation Department (AVN) invites sealed offers from qualified Offeror(s) to supply and install preformed thermoplastic pavement marking materials on an "as-needed" basis for a two (2)-year contract term with three (3) one-year options to extend, beginning on or about June 1, 2024, in accordance with the specifications and provisions contained herein. or the "Effective Date" which is upon award by City Council, conditioned upon signature and recording by the City Clerk's department, as required by the Phoenix City Code, whichever is later. Background A. Minimum Qualification Requirement: This solicitation has minimum qualification requirements, for detailed requirements. All Offerors must satisfy all the minimum qualifications outlined in order for the submitted offer to be considered responsive. B. Security Requirements: The Aviation Department is a 24-hours a day, 7days a week, 365 days a year operation and subject to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Security mandates. The Contractor and its employees will be required to work and operate a motor vehicle within the secured areas of the Airport. All staff working under this Contract must pass a Security Threat Assessment and Criminal Background Check as well as take the Airfield Driving Training Program and pass an interactive test to obtain the Airfield Driving permit endorsement on their security badge. Contact Information Amy Turner Contract Specialist II 2485 E. Buckeye Dr Phoenix, AZ 85034 Email: amy.m.turner@phoenix.gov Phone: (602) 273-3349 Award Recommendation Posting April 2024 Contract Start Date June 1, 2024 To request a reasonable accommodation or alternative format for any public meeting, please contact the Procurement Officer (Amy Turner) at (602) 273-3349/Voice or 711/TTY, or Amy.m.turner@phoenix.gov , no later than five (5) days prior to the meeting. An Offeror who wishes to join the virtual Pre-Offer Conference for this solicitation is required to register using the weblink provided prior to the meeting. Upon completion of pre-registration, the Pre-Offer Conference meeting link information will be forwarded to the registered email address. Question Deadline 03/07/2024 at 2:00 PM MT. All questions that arise relating to this solicitation should be directed via email to the Procurement Officer and must be received by the due date indicated in the Schedule of Events. The City will not consider questions received after the deadline. No informal contact initiated by Offerors on the proposed service will be allowed with members of City's staff from date of distribution of this solicitation until after City Council awards the Contract. All questions concerning or issues related to this solicitation must be presented in writing. The Procurement Officer will answer written inquiries in an addendum and publish any addenda electronically. Addenda The City of Phoenix will not be responsible for any oral instructions made by any employees or officers of the City of Phoenix regarding this solicitation. Any changes will be in the form of an addendum. The Offeror must acknowledge receipt of any/all addenda by signing and returning the document with the Offer submittal. Submission of Offer -Hard Copy Submission: For "In-Person" and "via Carrier (i.e. USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.)" Delivery: Offers will be received at the Aviation Headquarters located at 2485 East Buckeye Road, Phoenix AZ 85034 in the lobby during normal business hours (8:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Phoenix, AZ Time). Offer should be clearly identified outside of the package. Submission of Offer -Electronic Submission: The City of Phoenix Aviation Department is accepting electronic Offers for this solicitation, in addition to other methods of submitting sealed offer packages (hard copies). Offerors are responsible for submitting the electronic offer on or before the Solicitation Deadline. For "Electronic" Submittal: a. Offers must be submitted via email to o Amy.m.turner@phoenix.gov AND o Avn.solicitations@phoenix.gov b. Due to file size limitations of 100mb for electronic transmission (for sending or receiving), offers sent by email may need to be sent in parts with multiple emails. Award of Contract Unless otherwise indicated, award(s) will be made to the most responsive, responsible Offeror(s) who are regularly established in the service, or providing the goods, contained in this solicitation and who have demonstrated the ability to perform in an acceptable manner. A. Factors that may be considered by the City include: 1. Technical capability of the Offeror to accomplish the scope of work required in the Solicitation. This may include performance history on past and current government or industrial contracts; and, 2. Demonstrated availability of the necessary manpower (both supervisory and operational personnel) and necessary equipment to accomplish the scope of work in the Solicitation; and, 3. Safety record; and, 4. Offeror history of complaints and termination for convenience or cause. B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this solicitation, the City reserves the right to: (1) waive any immaterial defect or informality; or (2) reject any or all offers or portions thereof; or (3) reissue a solicitation. C. A response to a solicitation is an offer to contract with the City based upon the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in the City's solicitation. Offers do not become contracts until they are executed by the Deputy Aviation Director. A contract has its inception in the award, eliminating a formal signing of a separate contract. For that reason, all of the terms, conditions and specifications of the procurement contract are contained in the solicitation, and in any addendum or contract amendment.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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