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Published April 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Hebron, Kentucky. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

Q&A Deadline 03/25/2024 11:59 PM (EST) The Kenton County Airport Board ("KCAB") is soliciting proposals relating to Automated People Mover (APM) Modernization Design at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport ("CVG"). This project includes all activities required to design a full and complete modernization of the existing APM. The existing APM was installed in the early 1990s to provide passengers with an expedited way to travel between the terminal and concourses. The APM is an Otis HovAir System consisting of two trams (east and west) with 3 cars each, that travel north and south and stop at each of the three buildings on every trip. Each tram can carry up to 5,800 passengers per hour per direction. The tram rides an interior guideway approximately a quarter mile long at speeds up to 26 MPH. Each tram is currently operated by an 800HP DC electric motor and is pulled by a cable using a modified ski lift machine, while riding on a cushion of air. Many of the APM system components are becoming obsolete and can no longer be sourced new. Finding rebuilt/used parts is also becoming a difficult task. KCAB's intends to reengineer the current system with modern components to extend the useful life of the system by providing ease of servicing the system and energy savings.


Transportation Terminals


Public - County






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May 9, 2025


3087 Terminal Dr, Hebron, KY

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