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Published February 20, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of an educational facility in Clarksville, Indiana. Completed plans call for the demolition of a educational facility; for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

As of February 20, 2025, construction had commenced May 2024. Completion is expected December 2026. All trades have been let. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Work includes a new two-story school adjacent to the existing elementary school. The existing school will be demolished after construction of the replacement. This includes demolition, site utilities, sitework, and new school building. The previous solicitation is listed below for reference. CONTRACT TYPE: The project(s) will be constructed utilizing the Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) delivery method for public work. The Construction Manager will contract with multiple First Tier Subcontractors for the Bid items listed below, with bids received on a lump sum basis for each bid item. Each proposal shall include all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the project in strict accordance with the Construction Drawings, Project Schedule, Project Manual and Technical Specifications. The Construction Manager will receive sealed Bids for the following Bid Items of work: List Bid Items Bid Item #01 - Building Demolition Work Bid Item #02 - Site Excavation, Utility, Asphalt Paving and Site Concrete Work Bid Item #03 - Landscape and Seeding Work Bid Item #04 - Building Concrete Work Bid Item #05 - Architectural Pre-Cast Concrete Wall Panel Work Bid Item #06 - Steel Work Bid Item #07 - Masonry Work Bid Item #08 - Roofing - Not Bidding (not apart of this bid package) - Provided by Owner Bid Item #09 - Metal Panel Work Bid Item #10 - Aluminum Window and Door Work Bid Item #11 - Metal Stud, Drywall, Insulation, Acoustical Ceiling, and Sound Panel Work Bid Item #12 - General Trades Work Bid Item #13 - Painting and Wallcovering Work Bid Item #14 - Ceramic Tile Work Bid Item #15 - Terrazzo Flooring Work Bid Item #16 - Epoxy Resinous Floor Work Bid Item #17 - Carpet, LVT and Base Work Bid Item #18 - Athletic Gym Floor Work Bid Item #19 - Food Service Equipment Work Bid Item #20 - Architectural Woodwork, Casework and Top Work Bid Item #21 - Gymnasium Equipment Work Bid Item #22 - Telescoping Bleacher Work Bid Item #23 - Elevator Work Bid Item #24 - Fire Protection Work Bid Item #25 - Plumbing Work Bid Item #26 - Mechanical - Not Bidding (not apart of this bid package) - Provided by Owner Bid Item #27 - Electrical, Fire Alarm, AV, and Technology Work SUBCONTRACTOR PREQUALIFICATION: All prospective bidders for the GCCS - New Parkwood Elementary project are required to complete the Hagerman Inc Corporate prequalification process as a condition before the subcontract award or the issuance of a subcontract agreement. Any questions concerning bidding this project, project completion, scheduling, project administration, etc. shall be directed to: Mike Holtkamp, Hagerman, Inc., mholtkamp@hagermangc.com Mike Gault, Hagerman, Inc., mgault@hagermangc.com Steve Meier, Hagerman, Inc., smeier@hagermangc.com Hagerman, Inc. Main Office (Fishers, IN): (317) 577-6836 BID DOCUMENTS - REVIEW: Construction will be in accordance with the bid documents, which may be viewed at the following locations, as well as local plan rooms: 1. Greater Clark County Schools 2112 Utica-Sellersburg Road, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 2. Hagerman, Inc 10315 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 577-6836 3. RATIO J. Lake Architecture & Design 101 South Pennsylvania Street, 129 Quartermaster Court Indianapolis, IN 46204 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 BID SECURITY: Bidders are required to submit a Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the Base Bid or certified check in the amount of 10% of the Base Bid. INDIANA FORM 96: Bidders are required to submit the Indiana State Board of Accounts Form 96 (revised 2013) including a signed Non-Collusion Affidavit which is part of Form 96. The Bid Form, Bid Security and Indiana Form 96 documents are required to be submitted with the Bid and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope. PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND: A Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Amount may be required of the successful bidder. Bidders will provide a cost for this bond on the bid form. *This project has been awarded and all trades have been let.

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Public - County

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work





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March 14, 2024

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738 Spicewood Dr, Clarksville, IN

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