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Renovation of an educational facility in Bolivia, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Removal of the existing roof system down to the metal and tectum roof deck and installation of new thermal insulation, insulation protection layer and 2-ply modified bitument roof system at Roof Areas A,B,D,E,I and J. The work of the project is defined by the Contract Documents and includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the following: 1. Removal of the existing roof membrane, thermal insulation, and membrane flashings down to the existing metal roof deck (Areas A, B, D, E and I) and tectum roof deck (Area J) as designed on the roof plan (See the Contract Drawings for the existing roof cross section at each roof area.) 2. Removal and disposal of existing sheet metal flashings, expansion joint covers, counterflashings, etc., unless noted otherwise on the Contract Drawings 3. Removal and disposal of the existing roof joint curb between Roof Areas A, B, D and E down to the metal roof deck in locations as shown on the Contract Drawings 4. Removal and disposal of existing damaged or deteriorated wood blocking 5. Elimination of the existing abandoned curbs and piping as shown on the Contract Drawings 6. Restoration/replacement of any corroded, damaged or deteriorated metal roof deck on Roof Areas A, B, D, E, and/or I as described in Unit Prices 7. Removal of any existing damaged tectum roof deck on Roof Area J 8. Provision of an installation of a new tectum roof deck where existing damaged tectum roof deck is removed on Roof Area J 9. Provision and installation of new wood nailers on the roof perimeter, at roof curbs and at expansion joints as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein 10. Provision and installation of new wood blocking to replace that found damaged or deteriorated as shown on the Contract Drawings and as required by the membrane manufacturer. 11. Provision and installation of flat and tapered thermal roof insulation adhered with low rise foam to a mechanically attached base layer at metal roof deck areas as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein 12. Provision and installation of an insulation protection layer adhered with low rise foam as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein 13. Provision and installation of a two-ply modified bitumen roof system adhered with hot asphalt as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein 14. Provision and installation sheet metal slip flashings, counter-flashings, pre-manufactured fascia, fascia extenders, scuppers, etc. as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein 15. Provision and installation of the membrane manufacturer's walk pads as shown on the Contract Drawings and as specified herein 16. Provision and installation of new retrofit roof drains where existing roof drains are found damaged beyond repair as described in Unit Prices 17. Provision and installation of new premanufactured roof overflow scuppers on Roof Area J as shown on the Contract Drawings and specified herein 18. Installation of new sealant at the membrane, sheet metal and terminations as shown on the Contract Drawings and as specified herein 19. Other work indicated in the Contract Documents




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March 8, 2024

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4036 US-17 BUS, Bolivia, NC

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