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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Ukiah, California. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Project Summary This Request for Proposal (RFP) announces the intent of the Mendocino County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) to secure the services of a qualified consultant to provide civil engineering, environmental, and project management services to complete Project Approval and Environmental Documentation (PA&ED) and Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for the Brooktrails Second Access Project. Pre-submittal inquires and correspondence shall be directed to: o Procedural and Technical inquires: Alicia Winokur B. All questions regarding this RFP shall be submitted in writing (Email or Fax is acceptable). C. The questions and answers will be provided by the County in the form of an addendum the first Monday following the inquiry deadline and will be posted to the County's website Inquiry Deadline March 7, 2024 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Brooktrails Second Access Project, located in Willits, California, is for the development of a new, approximately 2-mile, two-lane arterial local road with paved shoulders and a new local bridge structure over Upp Creek, connecting Sherwood Road at the intersection of Primrose Drive to North Main Street in Willits, California. The Project will be funded with State and Local dollars through the Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program (LTCAP), requiring the Consultant to follow all pertinent local, State, and Federal laws and regulations. Two Notice-to-Proceeds will be issued for this work: the first for PA&ED after contract execution, and the second for PS&E once those funds have been allocated by the CTC in Fiscal Year 2024/25. The Brooktrails Township is an unincorporated community located immediately northwest of the City of Willits in Mendocino County, and its subdivisions are some of the densest wildland/urban interface developments in the County. The extremely limited access, steep slopes, roads, and dwellings interspersed with undeveloped, overgrown parcels surrounded by a natural greenbelt environment offer the potential for extensive damage due to wildland fire and precipitation events. Sherwood Road currently serves as the single access point into the township. The purpose of this project is to provide an alternative route during times of wildfire events and other climate disasters, increasing response times of emergency services and personnel. This project has long been identified as a need and over the past two decades, there have been extensive discussions about the implementation and development of this project, as well as several studies conducted. In late 2007, MCDOT began work with KOA Corporation to develop a study with the intention of reducing the numerous and varied alignments proposed over the years down to a manageable number of viable, realistic alignments. After the preferred alignments were ranked from the KOA Feasibility Study, a supplemental Feasibility Study was then prepared by Drake Haglan and Associates (DHA) in 2011. It included the preparation of conceptual roadway layouts and profiles for two additional alignments. This study also included gathering of technical information for environmental constraints, geotechnical features, and traffic descriptions for the additional alternatives. The Board of Supervisors designated preferred alignments to move forward with for additional engineering analysis and environmental studies for the PA&ED phase of this project. In 2014, the Project PA&ED Initiation Report was completed by DHA. To further advance this project, preliminary geometric roadway drawings, bridge advanced planning studies, and construction cost estimates were prepared. Area of Potential Effect Maps and a Preliminary Environmental Study were also prepared. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work for the project includes the following: GENERAL MCDOT anticipates that the Consultant shall complete PA&ED and PS&E. Certain tasks will be determined as Allocation 1 or 2 during contract negotiations. The use of the term "allocation" above is for the separation of funding allocations. PA&ED funds were allocated at the January 2024 CTC meeting. PS&E funds are programmed for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024/25. Allocation 1 shall include all work required to complete the PA&ED phase, including but not limited to all documents and studies required to satisfy the CEQA process (and NEPA, if required, as an optional task) and those required for preliminary engineering plans, 35% complete. Allocation 2 shall include all work required to complete the PS&E phase, including complete plans, specifications, and detailed cost estimate; all required project permits; preliminary right-of-way engineering; construction assistance as needed; and right-ofway engineering as needed. A proposed Scope of Work is attached in Exhibit A - Definition of Services of Attachment G - Sample Mendocino County Contract. Further details may be worked out in contract negotiations. The work shall comply with the requirements of all the following without limitation, and shall apply to this RFP and any subsequent contract as though incorporated herein by reference: 1. Federal laws 2. State laws 3. Local laws 4. Rules and regulations of governing utility districts 5. Rules and regulations of other authorities with jurisdiction over the procurement of products All work shall be performed under the guidance of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual and the Local Assistance Program Guidelines as well as all current design standards applicable to the project. Consultant shall comply with all insurance requirements of the County, included in Exhibit C - Insurance Requirements of Attachment G - Sample Mendocino County Contract, attached to this RFP. Contract amendments are required to modify the terms of the original contract for changes such as extra time, added work, or increased costs, and must be done prior to expiration of the original contract. Only work within the original advertised scope of services shall be added by amendment to the contract. The Method of Payment will be Actual Cost-Plus Fixed Fee.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 10, 2024


Multiple Locations, Ukiah, CA

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