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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Cheshire, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Town of Cheshire is soliciting GeoExchange Testing Services in connection with the construction of the new Norton Elementary School to yield design parameters/values such that the final design of the GeoExchange system can be completed (design by others). The Town of Cheshire intends to contract with one firm to provide all testing and drilling services necessary for the purpose of conductivity testing for the geothermal well field. The intention is for the wells being drilled for testing purposes to serve as final geothermal wells to be incorporated into final project delivery. The proposing firm will have the responsibility to provide these services through its own firm's capabilities and consultants as approved by the Owner. Refer to the Appendices for proposed test well locations and provided specification documents. Two (2) vertical bores shall be installed according to these specifications. The completed bores shall be located so that it is incorporated into the final ground-loop heat exchanger design. A completed vertical test bore shall consist of the SDR-11 ASTM 4710 (200 psig rated) vertical bore with an approved polyethylene u-bend assemble installed to the completed bore depth with an approved grouting material installed in the bore annulus. Vertical bore can be drilled by a mud-rotary drilling rig or by a compressed-air drilling rig whichever is most feasible based on geological conditions. Drilling contractor shall provide a detailed test bore report for each bore. Questions concerning the ITB Documents are to be submitted in writing (by e-mail) and directed only to: Name: Richard Sitnik OPM: Arcadis E-mail: Rich.Sitnik@Arcadis.com The appropriate Town representative listed above must receive any questions from Bidder no later than seven (7) business days before the proposal opening date. The Town of Cheshire is seeking competitive Bids from qualified and responsible vendors for the performance of Geothermal Well Drilling for the new Norton Elementary School. The Town of Cheshire reserves the rights to amend or terminate this Invitation to Bid, accept all or any part of a proposal, reject all proposals, waive any informalities or non-material deficiencies in a proposal, and award the proposal to the proposer that, in the Town's sole discretion and judgment, will be in the Town's best interests.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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To Be Determined, Cheshire, CT

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Geothermal Well Drilling for the new Norton Elementary School

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