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Published March 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Florence, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 1,600-square-foot municipal facility.

PROJECT LOCATION (location where the work is being done) Wakefield DNR Office, 1405 East US-2, Wakefield MI 49968 SCOPE OF WORK: The Work to be completed under this contract includes furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment to: tear off existing roofing materials, including the proper disposal of all waste, and install a new asphalt shingle roofing system, with proper ventilation, drip edges, underlayment and related items at the approx. 1,600 sf Wakefield DNR Office building (building is 24' x 60') building, Wakefield, Gogebic County, Michigan. Contractor is responsible for all necessary permits. Colors to be selected by Owner prior to installation. Replacement of any damaged / deteriorated OSB Sheathing to be accomplished with a contract change order. Time of Completion: Upon acceptance of the Proposal and Contract by the State, the Contractor agrees to complete all work by the end of the working day: September 30, 2024. Performance bond and payment bond are not required for this project unless Bid Amount is greater than $50,000.00. Questions regarding the project should be directed to: John DePue 906-353-6651 E-Mail Address: DePueJ1@michigan.gov Wildlife Division Field Unit Name Baraga Customer Service Center Street Address of Park Headquarters 427 US-41 City, State, ZIP BARAGA, MI 49908 Questions regarding these terms should be directed to: PATRICK AVENDT Telephone (517) 388-6265 Address: PROCUREMENT SERVICES MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES CONSTITUTION HALL - 3rd FLOOR 525 WEST ALLEGAN STREET P.O. BOX 30028 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 Prevailing Wage Rates: The Prevailing Wage Law, Act 10 of the Public Acts of 2023 is applicable to this Contract. By law, prevailing wage rates are the rates contained in collectively bargained agreements covering the location of the state project. The purpose of establishing prevailing wage rates is to provide rates of pay and fringe benefits for workers on construction projects for which the state or a school district is the contracting agent and which is financed or supported by the state. The Prevailing Wage Law requires that every contractor and subcontractor shall post a copy of all prevailing wage and fringe benefit rates prescribed in the contract at the construction site. An accurate record showing the name and occupation of and the wages and benefits paid to each construction mechanic must be kept by the employer and available for inspection by the department. Please pay special attention to the overtime requirements. A worker who believes he or she has not been paid the prevailing wage rate on a state project may file a complaint with the Wage Hour Administration, Michigan Dept. of Labor and Economic Opportunity at tx: (517) 284-7800 or WHinfo@michigan.gov . 1) Furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment to remove the existing roofing materials, including the proper disposal of all waste, and install a new asphalt shingle roofing system, with proper ventilation, drip edges, underlayment and related items at the Wakefield DNR Office building. The building base is approximately 1,600 square feet (22 roof squares). The building is 24' x 60' with two small dormers, approximately a 6 / 12 pitch, and with an attached front (5' x 5' - 25 sf) and rear (29'x 6' = 174 sf) shingled entryways. The adjacent pole barn storage building on the property is not the roof to be placed. 2) Contractor is responsible for all necessary permits. Shingle color to be selected by DNR project manager prior to installation. Replacement of any damaged / deteriorated OSB Sheathing to be accomplished with a contract change order. Unit Price to remove and replace 4' X 8' OSB sheathing with "H" Clips as per Building Code. Any construction materials that need to be replaced (OSB) need to be photographed (spray paint marked indicating failure location) and documentation sent to John DePue for repair authorization. A. Remove and replace the approximately 22 roof squares. a. Approximately 62 bundles of landmark pro series asphalt shingles or similar quality alternative b. New roll synthetic roofing underlayment as required by code. c. All flashing to be replaced. d. Install all new snow and ice guard per building code. e. Install ridge vent as needed. f. Use new all-weather roof cement. g. Install 23-gauge aluminum drip edge for all edges (including dormers and entry way). h. Use appropriate shingle fasteners per code. 1.) Provide all necessary components for proper installation and efficient operation of new roofing such as: shingles, drip edge, flashings, underlayment's, snow and ice guard, vent boots, nails, sealants, tools, scaffolding, safety devices etc.... 2.) Ensure proper operation of installed products. 3.) Ensure proper clean up. Including yard and [parking lot surfaces. 4.) Dispose of all demo materials and construction debris. 5.) Any bidders wishing to look over the project can contact John DePue for appointment at (906) 353-6651 or email at DePueJ1@michigan.gov.




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1405 US-2, Florence, WI

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