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Published June 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Crofton, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

ATTENTION POTENTIAL CONTRACTORS - AT THIS TIME CONTRACTING IS CANCELING THIS SOLICITATION AND WILL BE LOOKING AT RESOLICITING IN THE NEAR FUTURE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR SAM.GOV FOR THE NEW SOLICITATION. =================================================================================================== SOLICITATION POSTING FOR THE GAVINS POINT IDCC ROAD AND MAINTENANCE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: This project is an indefinite delivery contract for rehabilitation of roads and grounds effective for 5 years from the date of award, not to exceed $1,500,000.00. Estimated quantities are for projected work that may be tasked on the project roads and grounds. Quantities are estimations and may change based on maintenance needs throughout the duration of the contract. Work consists of supplying materials and labor to maintain and improve roadways, grounds, and drainage paths in the areas around Gavin's Point Dam near Yankton County, Yankton, SD and Cedar and Knox County, NE. Work and materials for reconditioning/ resurfacing roads and improving drainage paths includes, but is not limited to: Earthwork and Excavation Installation of Geotextile Fabric Cold Milling of Bituminous Pavement Asphalt Crack Sealing Aggregate Base Course Supply and Install Chip Seal/Fog Seal Hot Mix Asphalt Paving and Patchwork Concrete Pavement (4"-6" depth) and Curb/Gutter Pavement Paint Application (Shoulder, Centerline, Parking Area, Stop Line, Handicap Symbols) Seeding and Erosion Blanket Storm Drainage Pipe Pricing for each year will be determined at time of award with the Estimated Quantities which may change based on maintenance needs throughout the duration of the contracts. Site Visit: A Site Visit will be scheduled when task orders are established. MAGNITUDE OF CONSTRUCTION: The estimated magnitude of construction for this project is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. NAICS Code: The Primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code anticipated for solicitation is 237310 - Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction, with a size standard of $45 Million. Place of Performance: Gavins Point Dam, Crofton, NE; Knox and Cedar County, NE and Yankton County, SD. Contracting Office Address: USACE Omaha District, 1616 Capital Ave, Omaha, NE 68102-4901 Point Of Contact: All questions regarding this pre-solicitation should be made to the Contract Specialist, Note: Offerors please be advised that an online registration requirement in System for Award Management (SAM) database (https://sam.gov) exists and directed solicitation provisions concerning electronic annual Representations and Certifications on SAM. Representations and certifications are required to be updated annually as a minimum to keep information current, accurate and complete. The electronic annual representations and certifications are effective for one year from date of submission or update to SAM. Solicitation documents will be posted to the web via SAM.gov. Registration is required to access solicitation documents. SAM.gov provides secure access to acquisition-related information, synopsis or pre-solicitation notices and amendment current, accurate and complete. The electronic annual representations and certifications are effective until one year from date of submission or update. Lynne Reed, who can be reached by email: lynne.d.reed@usace.army.mil. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

Final Planning

Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Crofton, NE

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