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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Midland, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

One (1) copy of the bid form should be retained for your files. Questions should be referred to Michael Moeggenberg, Director of Facilities and Operations at 989-923-5035 or moeggenbergmj@midlandps.org Performance Bond A Performance Bond by a qualified surety authorized to do business in Michigan in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Base Bid shall accompany each proposal or proposal combination. The Performance Bond may be in the form of a Bid Bond, Cashier's Check, or Money Order. Personal checks are not acceptable. Bid Security A Bid Security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Base Bid shall accompany each proposal or proposal combination. Pre-Bid Walk Contractors may walk the sites to determine the scope of work, equipment and materials required by setting up an appointment with the contact listed below. Michael Moeggenberg Director of Facilities and Operations Midland Public Schools 989-923-5035 moeggenbergmj@midlandps.org SCOPE: 1. The Successful Bidder shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, and on-site supervisory oversight necessary for the demo, prepping of floors, installing new carpet, LVT, base and transition strips. Contractor must follow all manufactures installation instructions. One box of attic stock per room and two boxes per hallway will be left on site after completion of the work. 2. The areas to demo, receive new flooring and base are indicated on the floor plans attached. Carpet and LVT Specifications are included in the drawings. No substitutes will be accepted. 3. The district will be responsible for the removal and return of furniture. 4. Carpet and LVT is to be cut around high shelving and built-in casework. 5. All buildings and furnishings shall be protected by the Successful Bidder from damage which might be done or caused by work performed under this contract. Any damage caused directly or indirectly by the Successful Bidder's agents or suppliers shall be repaired and/or replaced at the expense of the Successful Bidder by methods approved by Midland Public Schools to restore the damaged area(s) to its pre-flooring replacement condition. Midland Public Schools shall deem such repairs acceptable only after inspection and approval. 6. All new materials shall be asbestos free and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 7. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for protecting all items and equipment from dust. 8. All debris must be removed from the building daily and hauled away after the project is complete. 9. The contractor is responsible for the demo and disposal of old material where indicated. 10.Existing flooring materials shall remain where indicated on drawings. The contractor is responsible for skim coating areas where needed to ensure a level base. 11.The contractor is responsible for all measurements. Carpet Specifications; Carpet and Tile must be J+J Flooring Group as indicated on attached Drawings. Bidders Qualifications: Successful Bidder's firm shall specialize in carpet installation. All work under the contact shall be performed by skilled workers in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local governing codes. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible at all times for the work and actions of its employees. Contractor is responsible for all measurements:




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