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Published May 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Neligh, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

**As of May 15,2024 has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award has not yet been established.** City of Neligh, Nebraska (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: Water and Sewer Improvements City of Neligh, Nebraska ACES Project #441-041 The Project includes the following Work: Total work for this project includes multiple projects: Water Project 1 - Construction of approximately 1800 linear feet of 10-inch PVC water main on 2nd Street from G Street to H Street; then on H Street from 2nd Street to Highway 275; then on Highway 275 extending 1000 feet to the southeast. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $400,000 Water Project #2A - Construction of approximately 4900 linear feet of 10-inch PVC water main along Highway 275 from D Street to County Road 525 Avenue; thence 1150 linear feet north on County Road 525 Avenue. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $795,000 Water Project #2B - Construction of approximately 4825 linear feet of 10-inch PVC water main on County Road 525 Avenue to the north side of Dogwood Lane. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $505,000 Water Project #2C - Construction of approximately 1800 linear feet of 10-inch PVC water main on County Road 525 Avenue from Dogwood Lane to 1st Avenue; thence approximately 1300 linear feet of 10-inch water main on 1st Avenue from County Road 525 Avenue to D Street. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $385,000 Water Project #3 - Construction of approximately 1000 linear feet of 12-inch PVC water main on L Street from 11th Street to Cemetery Road. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $180,000 Water Project #4 - Construction of approximately 1175 linear feet of 8-inch PVC water main on Highway 14 (S Street from 10th Street to 7th Street); thence approximately 1450 linear feet of 8-inch PVC water main on 8th Street from Highway 14 (S Street) to O Street. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $575,000 Water Project #5 - Construction of approximately 400 linear feet of 10-inch water main on O Street from 11th Street north toward the water storage reservoir; then approximately 500 linear feet of 8-inch water main on N Street from 11th Street to 10th Street; then approximately 310 linear feet of 8-inch water main on 10th Street from N Street to O Street. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $255,000 Sewer Project #1 - Construction of 4200 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer from D Street to County Road 525 Avenue and approximately 1100 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer extending north along County Road 525 Avenue, including the construction of a lift station and force main. Work includes all labor, equipment and materials required to complete the project as shown on these plans. Engineering Estimated Cost $900,000 The Owner intends to award one contract for all work to be completed. Any or all of the projects may be awarded in any combination. Owner anticipates that the Project's total bid price will be approximately $3,995,00. The Owner will choose the project combination that is the most fi scally prudent use of the grant money and funds available for this project. The Project has an expected completion date of May 15, 2025. DAVIS-BACON ACT WAGE DETERMINATIONS "Contractors and subcontractors on USEPA federally assisted construction projects are required to pay their laborers and mechanics wages not less than those established by the U.S. Department of Labor. A current wage decision containing the appropriate building and/or heavy type rates is included in the specifi cations for bidding purposes." DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) "Each bidder must fully comply with the requirements, terms and conditions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements, including the fair share objectives for disadvantaged business participation during the performance of this contract. The bidder commits itself to the fair share objective for disadvantaged business participation contained herein and all other requirements, terms, and conditions of these bid conditions by submitting a properly signed bid."

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Neligh, NE

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